Part 4: couldnt live without him

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It's been a week since the mission and I almost fully recovered. I just needed to take some medication. Every time me and roadie are sitting next to teach other, Lena always comes by, pokes me in the shoulder and run away. Let her have her fun,  but have no idea why she is doing it.
Training was decreased this week, after every mission they want you to relax I bit more, so that was pretty, and I got to spend some more time with roadie. Me and roadie were talking and some how I made him laugh, and he started to snort. It was hilarious!. I just couldn't help how his laugh could light up a room....wait I didn't say that, he's a friend, and comrade. That's all. I sighed and went to get a drink, and Lena went next to me. We talked in her room for awhile, and then talked in mine, this day couldn't be any better."hey Sheila, I got somethin to show you" I motioned her to the work shop and started to dig through my locker, I found it.. I then pulled out a pen. "Here it is" I said, grinning, "love, that's a pen" Lena said her face confused, "oi already know that! But it's not just a pen" I smirked clicking the pen and throwing it on the ground, a mixture of smoke and fire spread. "Thats what I be doin in my spare time" I said,"I've only made about fifty of em, so what do you think now". Her jaw hit the ground faster then a bullet," she then cheered excitingly and hugged me."it's amazing love! How'd you do it", I then grinned mildly "sorry Sheila, but that's a secret" we laughed and headed to get dinner. For dinner we had American. It was really good . We then watched a movie, while in the middle of the movie "Jamison Fawkes, please report to the main office". "Hey I didn't do anything wrong" I laughed and headed to the office. When I entered, soldier and mercy were there patiently waiting for me. "Jamison take a seat please" mercy said, you did as she wished. "We have found that in your arm, there is a tumor, to small for being severe. To big to ignore". I looked at my arm, "were exactly would it be" I said, mercy quietly pulled out a. Poster with my x-rat, and there was a circle of were it was at. "You do not have to worry, it is not going to hurt you, you just need surgery to get it removed". Mercy said, "can we remove it today?" I questioned. "Oh definitely" she replied, "but you'll just have to take even more meds". "Eh I don't care, as long as it's gone"
Today was just a normal day, everyone was doing there own thing, I myself, had helped my self to some tea. And read through a book, and every time I looked up tracer was looking at me. I finished my tea and went to place some poker with everyone. I had a nice time. Later in the night I had found Jamison, he had been sleeping. I went to my bed and started to go to sleep.....
The surgery, went by fine, after that they told me to get some sleep, and take a breather since this might be a lot to take in.
*in his dream*, me and mako made our way across some land to find a city, we were running short of supplies, and finding one would take some weight off of our shoulders. We did find a city, a small one. We looked was like a ghost town we had found supplies and stayed in a building for the night, just to rest. We slept until we heard cheering from outside, I woke up mako and he checked out a window,"fuck" he whispered to himself, he then grabbed his pistol, loaded it and handed it to me, in just about 2 minutes he had taught me everything there was about his pistol ,"go up on the roof and hide out, if anyone comes up you know what you have to do, if I come up I would knock on the door three times so you don't shoot me" we then heard them coming up the stairs he hid our supplies and rushed to thee door I headed up and heard cheering I closed the door and hid behind a conditioner. For three hours I sat there, just waiting, then I heard foots steps on the stairs, and the door opening slowly. Three men appeared. I was frozen in shock, they got closer and closer. And everything went silent for a minute. A tear rolled down my eye,"fucking hell" I turned at them and opened fire, killing to but the last one was nowhere to be seen. I decided to run for the stairs, and then I was suddenly thrown back, the third man kicked makos pistol away from me and got his knife out and picked me up by my collar, knife aimed at my throat. "You piece of shi-" the man dropped his knife and the. Dropped me. I saw two foot and looked up, there was mako, he picked me up and wiped away my tears "nice job, your aim is pretty good". Mako said trying to lighten the mood "thanks mako" I replied, giving a half smile. We headed down stairs and rested for the night. In the morning we went out side, I noticed all the people he had killed,"hey how'd you manage to kill all these people" I said. Mako ran out side and pulled out his shot gun," I didn't kill any people out here!" He tossed me his pistol by I was pulled back and felt the cold steel of a pistol on my head, "don't you move a damn muscle" said the guy holding me hostage. I tried to release his grip, but it was too tight. Even though no one could see it, I saw the anger in his eyes. "Drop your weapon!" Yell the the man mako did but made sure to fit a gas bomb in the process blinding everyone but him self. I felt a thud above me and looke up, blood trickled down my face, I was let go of the mans grip and grabbed his gun, and running to hide. The smoke had cleared, and mako went to me, he then wiped the blood off and cradled me, I was shaking, and scared, his touch was so Gentle. I had felt safe in his arms a shadow emerged from behind mako and heard a gun click
I woke up sweating and shaking, and looked around me. Lena entered the room and saw what state I was in, she zoomed over to me and hugged my, I started to cry, and vent about what had happened to me in the last two nightmares. After venting, Lena told me everything was alright and nothing bad had happened to roadhog. We then went to grab breakfast, I looked at my mug, still shaking. "He means slot to you huh?" Lena said putting a hand on my shoulder I sighed, "yeah" I replied "couldn't live without him." We finished and spent the rest of the day watching movies and tv shows, but I wasn't paying attention to what was going on.
A/N~ wow guys chapter 4 in already, sorry to bombard you with parts I guess I just had a lot of times on my hands,well hoped you enjoyed this part, all for now peeps

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