Part 5: its alright

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A/N~ Wattpad crashed on me while trying to wright this part, and it didn't save, I wanted to cry well enough about me, on with the story!

Today was like any other, except we had learned new hand to hand combat skills, and started our cardio training. As the weather was getting colder, me and Jamison were ordered to start to wear warmer clothes, or at least something that would protect us from the harsh weather, they had been so kind to lend us some of there wardrobe, and they were actually quite comfy, and it made Jamison look really nice. I wasn't to sure Jamison liked the fact that he had to wear clothes, and he pouted, making me laugh.
Days went by and the weather was getting colder and colder, instead of training outside, we mainly practiced out at the shooting range to shoot other firearms, so we wouldn't be fucked, when the time would come on the battle field.
We had been going through a lot of changes through the past few weeks and me and roadie were forced to wear clothes, ugh I hate wearing them, but I did like when roadhog wore his sweatshirt, because it made him look like a big, cute fluff ball, I remember I wouldn't stop giggling when he first wore it. My nightmares are becoming less and less common, and now I don't have to be worried about going to sleep.
Today was the day when the team of overwatch was officially organized, so we all went out to celebrate. We all decided on the hibachi restaurant, and I was mainly excited about the fire. We got to our table and our waitress came and took our order for drinks, I got some weird looks from her though, I didn't really mind it. The chef came and asked us what we wanted, I got shrimp, fried rice, and noodles. I was upset though, because I hadn't seen the fire yet. I leaned over to Lena,"Hey, when is there gonna be fire" I asked getting impatient "the fire is gonna be on soon just keep an eye on the grill" she replied. I did keep my eye on the grill, the whole time. "Everybody ready?" The chef said, "yeah!" We all replied. He then squirted oil on the grill and lit it, fire bursted everywhere, it was awesome! I yelled in excitement "hells yeah" And got some laughs from Lena. The chef cooked our food and we ate, the chef then made dessert, he made ice cream. probably my favorite. After the chef left we all talked, we paid the check and left, then decided to just walk around and look at all the sights.
We walked for about three hours. Until we stopped at a couple of benches, and watched the sun set. Then I realized why clothes were really important during the winter. It was really cold and I was only wearing pants and a shirt. "Jesus, its cold" I said to roadhog, Shivering. He chuckled and  took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders. I blushed immediately. Lena noticed and poked me in the elbow, she smirked, and I shrugged, we laughed and sat there for about one more hour. Then we headed back to HQ.
There we all were tired and went off to bed. I thought about the events that happened prior, and smiled, as I dosed off.

I was about 15 at the time and mako was 25. We had stay off charts for awhile because, we had ran into a gang, we had managed to escape and steal there supplies. We were walking through this town and it was pretty sad, it had looked like the people who were there were stopped in time, cars still in the streets, bones of body's scattered across the sidewalks, it was a disturbing site. Don't pay no mind to them" mako said," their in a better place now". I didn't reply. Then out of nowhere headlights appeared in front of us and got closer and closer. It got right in front of us and stopped, "Run" mako said  and we both booked it through the town, we turned corner after corner after corner, yet they had still managed to find us. We had found an open man whole. "Get down there and hide, I'll distract them, then I'll meet you down there, got it?" Mako said, I quickly climbed down to the sewers making sure the lid above me was closed. I started to run and every time I heard a their car I stopped and stood still. This went on for thirty minutes. I ran and ran until there was a dead end, I bent down to catch my breadth.  I heard some yelling and shuffling from above me, how I thought, how did the manage to find Me every time?! Some one opened the manhole, I  tried to hide in the shadows as best as I could. One by one people came down, there was so many people that I had lost count. Once I thought everyone was down, I silently climbed up the ladder, and went off to find mako. In the supplies we had taken from the last group, there had been Walkie talkies, I took mine out "Jamie to mako are you there" I questioned
I got a mumbled yes in response. "I am out of the sewers and headed to he entrance of the town, are you able to make it there?" I waited.... no response, "Fuck" I said to my self. it took about 3 hours to do it but I finally found him and when I did he looked horrible. He had bruises everywhere and a stab wound that was bleeding badly. I pulled him into cover and got out the medical supplies. I got out a pain killer pill and some bandage, once he was fixed up I dragged him into a building and set up camp. I spent the rest of the night keeping guard for any intruders.
I woke up to Jamison talking in his sleep. I sat up and then sat back down, because this was a normal thing that he usually did. After about 40 minutes he stopped talking, but woke up... there was complete silence. "Roadie you there?" He asked, "yeah, do you need anything?" I asked, "no" he replied quickly. I then sat up to look at what he was doing, he wasn't in his bed anymore, but in the corner, a blanket over his body. I got up and went to him...I touched his leg, he jumped in response, I then lifted him up and brought him to his bed, I then cradled him until he fell a sleep. I ruffled his hair and went back to my bed to sleep for the rest of the night.
I just wanna say that currently Junkrat is 21 and Roadhog is 31, sorry if this seemed short, I'm making this before I go to bed. So yeah, see ya tomorrow

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