Part 3: Mission

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A/N~ I just wanna say real quick how much I am enjoying writing this story, I will try to post a chapter or 2 everyday, and seeing that I already have 24 reads you guys actually like my story,it might not seem like a lot but it feels good when someone reads my story it makes me feel known, anyway back to the story! OwO
Roadie woke me up early, he didn't want me to wake up late. We both haven't talked since Lena and him found me having a nightmare.*sighs* I have to be strong today though, it's me first mission. I got refreshed and went to get a quick bite, Lena was there but she didn't talk to me. After eating I went to the shooting range, I messed around with all my equipment to make sure every thing was working properly, once that was finished I went to the break room and played with my knife (not in a dark way). Then the loud speaker went on "All agents of overwatch, please report to the main docs in the east wing". This is it I thought, this might be my last day. I went to the docs
*At the docs*
"Alright everyone listen up!" Soldier yelled, "we are headed into a very dangerous place, you will all be required to wear hazmat suits to prevent you from getting poisoned or worse, alright we have green light from HQ everyone on board!" I was a little shocked to find out that we had to wear suits, what place would be so dangerous that I would have to wear a suit?We were all there checking our equipment and gearing up. "Everybody gather around, here are the plans" soldier said as he gathered up a holographic map of the area that we would be in. Most of the stuff you don't really need
to know, but my duty was to defend the support and bombard the enemy's and force them back. the ship landed with a thud, soldier went up in front of us,"HQ we Clear?" Soldier said,"Green light, you are ago". The door opened slowly, Soldier stepped outside, then turned to us and said,"Lock and load". We all then stepped outside, the place was air ridden with this weird green thick fog, I'm guessing that would be the toxic gas, We walked around in silence, having no possible idea of where we were goi-*---plaft* "HIT! IM HIT!" It was lucio "Everybody fire!" Ordered Soldier, me and mercy then headed to lucio me pushing the enemies  back with my bombs, bullets zoomed past me each one getting closer, I got down on the ground, still firing my launcher. Another soldier got shot and mercy had to quickly heal lucio and then headed over to the other soldier . I supported enough to get lucio and mercy with the wounded back into action. It wasn't pretty but we finally exterminated that platoon and still had to clear the area so back up could take control. After at least 8 more hours of fighting we had cleared most of the area, now we got to head back to HQ which was fine by me, as we were heading back, I tripped on something, i got back up but before I moved my foot, I saw a red light, it was dim. I gasped I already knew what it was, I grabbed a near by rock and put the rock on the trap I took my foot back and nothing happened, relieved I headed back with the team. "Everyone on board?" Soldier asked "ok if your not here were not coming back" soldier said. He was about to close the door when I thought I heard someone crying for help,"wait I think I hear someone" I told Soldier "it's your brain messing with you kid, happens all the time" soldier replied. I was not making it up I stood up out of my seat and grabbed one of mercy's med packs and a loaded pistol,"Soldier what do you think your doing?!" Asked Soldier "you will not leave this ship, we got orders from HQ that an air strike is coming and you don't want to be caught in the middle of it!" You looked at him and then at everyone else ,"sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone" I smirked than ran into the field, I heard the cries of soldier to come back here but I didn't focus on his cries I focused on the cries of the soldier who was still out there."hey I am here to help you yell as loud as you can so I can find your position!" I yelled. I heard someone yell to my left. After blindly walking I had finally found him, he had a wound on his chest and his gas mask was broken, I quickly used the med pack and tried to heal his wound, then I gave him a pill that was supposed to ease the pain, and I took my gas mask off and put it on his head. I put him over my shoulder and started to quickly run back to the ship. I heard some foreign language and then yelling and then I heard gun fire. The air was burning my face and my lungs felt like I couldn't breathe. I saw the lights of the ship," hold on I'm coming!" I yelled "Jamison!" I heard soldier "get your ass back here!" I was so close to the ship I could here the conversations everybody was having, and then, my legs went numb, then my arms, then the last I could see was ground........
We all saw Jamison running back with the wounded soldier, he was actually pretty close to making it to the ship to, but the toxic gas was to much and he became unconscious. Mercy tended to soldiers wound, while Ana tended to Jamie's. She put him on some oxygen injected him with an antivirus that would stop or at least slow down the chemicals inside his body. Once we had made it back to HQ the soldier and Jamie were rushed to the emergency room. Everyone went to the conference room to eat, but they couldn't knowing that one of their comrade is might be at deaths door. Hours passed and Jamie was still in there. We all went to bed, and at least tried to get some sleep.
If was morning everyone was up and bouncing, except tracer, she had been very gloomy since the way back to HQ, she is usually so happy, and it would take a lot to make her frown, so this was probably really big on her.
I was worried woke about Jamie I was on the verge of crying every time he was mentioned, by noon we had heard nothing, and that put me in a horrible mood. I spent most of my time in my room trying to not think about Jamie, but it was pretty hard. I then heard a knock on the door, I opened the door and saw roadhog, he had told that I was allowed to visit Jamie. He wasn't even able to finish his sentence because I had already made my way to were Jamie was. When I saw him I immediately hugged him, "hey you dummy, you got me worried sick about you all night along,"heh" he replied,"don't worry dal, I'm fine I just need some Legos and cat food, and I'll be good!" He cheerfully said I then realized that he was drugged to numb the pain I guess. "So what did roadhog say once he was allowed to meet you" I asked "pfft of him nothin, just asked how I was doin and if I needed anything, that be all". "Cool!" I replied "you two must be really great friends!". He then spilled out something "friends, that's what he thinks, I think we could be more than friends" he smirked and then started poking me, laughing like a maniac. That was a huge shocker, I didn't really know if it was the drugs or the truth, I then stated stated at him seriously and said " Jamie, can you just think about what you said" I told him. He then slapped him self in the face " Jeez sorry dal, That was just the drugs" he stuttered, he then laid back down "don't think of it that way, I would never be attracted to roadhog never" he said "oooook then I'll let ya get some rest" then in zoomed out the room. While closing the door I herd him talk to him self,"I don't love him that's impossible, right it can't. Be" he paused for a second..."right?"
A/N~ sorry for the cringe at the end, I'm not really used to writing love stories, any ways hope you enjoy, all for now peeps 👍

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