Part 15: trouble

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We entered the building to be taken straight to our seats and sweet jesus were they comfortable. We were second to first row so we could see everything pretty clear from here. They had a host present everyone who was here and there was a lot. Let's skip the boring part and get to our turn. " for the most self healing in the battle field goes to..... Roadhog!" Everyone one stood up and clapped as roadhog went up on stage to collect his award he waved to everyone and sat back down. "Hey hey big boy nice job" I said as I hugged him. "Thanks Jamison" he replied. I smiled and started to blush."and the winner for the most damage done goes to.......!" She collected her award and sat back down, I banged my arms on my arm rest. "God damn it I thought I would win this award" I said pouting. Roadhog ruffled my hair,"so what there's plenty more rewards to get out" he said. On and on more people kept on getting awards and I kept on pouting. "Ok this is the final award for the overwatch team, the winner for the most self damage goes to..... Jamison Fawkes!" My eyes widened at that. I sprung out of my chair and hopped onto the stage. The host handed me the reward and I waved my hand, the crowd was clapping and cheering. I walked back down to my seat and watched the rest of the show.
The show had ended and we all went back to our limos. We squeezed back into our seats and laughed, we found that all the beer had been refilled and we started drinking again. Eventually we arrived at this really fancy restaurant with this huge line. When the guard saw us he gestured us in to a waiter who brought us to this huge round table with a fire pit right in the middle of it, as you could tell I was pretty happy about that. The waiter brought us drinks and bread. I was about to dig in when roadhog put a napkin on my lap."hey mate what the hell is that for?!?". "Jamie were supposed to be fancy remember". I pouted and ate my silently ate my bread. Everyone ordered their food and started to dig in we were all really hungry. As a surprise the waiter brought us cake. It was really good. We gave them a check and started to walk out, but I couldn't even stand up before I was blown back from the explosion. Screams and yelling we're the only thing I could hear now. Suddenly these soldier in pitch black uniforms went after us, I pulled up my pants just enough to reveal a knife. I pulled it out and attacked the people in the uniforms. I had no idea how many soldier there were because I lost count on how many of them I had just killed. Suddenly a sharp pain in my back made me drop my knife. I fell to my knees and looked behind me. And standing there was the sniper who had shot Lena from earlier this year. She raised her gun and pointed it straight at my head. "Any last words" she scoffed. I smiled,"duck" *wham* she was thrown across the room it was Reinhardt, he put me back on my feet. "We there for each other aren't we?" He laughed and went to get more uniformed men. I found a pistol from a dead soldier and taken it, and they were dropping like flys."we need to back out there's too many of them!" Soldier yelled I moved my way through the rubble until I reached across the street, basically the whole front of the building was blown up. Out of no where the grim reaper guy appeared and went straight for everyone I aimed my pistol at him.....*bang!* so many things happened at that moment, I was taken by the leg and pulled up to the top of a building by the snipers grapple. When I reached the top I looked her straight in the eyes."have a nice ride" she waved and I was dropped falling falling falling *thump*. "Ugh" I ground trying to get up, then I realized my prosthetics were broken off. I was wounded badly and couldn't really move. The soldiers had retreated and they were gone in an instant. "HeLp.." I yelled as loudly as I could which wasn't really that loud. Soldier took notice and saw me,"man down man down" he yelled as he ran over to my assistance. The last thing I could remember was roadhog coming by my side,"it'll be okay jamie." He said, I could hear the worry and fear in his voice and then I blacked out.
"Jamie....jamie.....jamie are you alright" I blinked my eyes and saw everyone surrounding me. "Hey guys" I said my voice cracked. Everyone was telling me oh I hope your ok and hope you fell better and all that stuff. After awhile everyone left and the last person there was roadhog. "How are you feeling?" He ask sitting down on the edge of the bed."I've been through worse, but ya know my prosthetics are broken". I smiled,"what you smilin about?" He said getting closer to me. "You looked so cute in that suit" I giggled. He chuckled and started to relax again. "Well I should let you get some res-" he was interrupted by me kissin him, he almost resisted at first but soon gave in and kissed me back. After awhile we let go of each other,"heh we'll see later" I said and watched him leave. I spent the rest of the day in my workshop, making new prosthetics and let me tell you it's really damn hard to do without two hands. Mercy came in to my rescue and lended me a temporary arm prosthetic and got me some lemonade too. Soon enough it was time for bed, I walked back to my room with crutches and they were really hard to get it but I did. I hopped onto my bed and roadhog helped me get my arm off, he placed it on a shelf and walked back to me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheeks, he later on his bed."goodnight Jamison", "goodnight roadhog".
A/N- wow guys over 300 reads! I'm so excited. I hope you are enjoying these chapters and vote for the chapter if you liked it, thanks! 👍

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