Part 16: plans

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Instead of making new prosthetics mercy lended me new ones, I still started to make them. Ya never know what could happen. What happened last week was still all over the news, and I was getting sick of it. So I was in my room testing new prosthetics when some one knocked on my door. It was Lena, "hey luv how ya feelin?" She asked as she plopped her self down onto my bed."it's feelin better than ever!" I cheefully responded."so luv what have you been doin with roadie?" She cooed,"well mate if your really want to know all we've been doin is kiss and cuddle and go out but ya know privately." She smiled,"well that's great, but I just came here to drop something off for you" she handed me a bag, I became curious."mate what is it?". She giggled and left, I peered into the bag and saw something wrapped in bubble wrap. I took the object out and ripped off the bubble wrap. It was the award I had gotten, I guess they found it. It was glued back together but I didn't really mind. I happily placed it smack in the middle of my shelf. I stepped back and looked at it for awhile. Roadhog entered the room,"hey jamie do you want to have some lunch?", "is food always on your mind?" I giggled and he snorted."no just you","now come on let's go" he grabbed my arm and pulled me out into the hallway.  I don't know if it was just me because everything seemed really quiet. Hog had gotten some pizza for us to share. Then I thought, when did we want to go public? I mean I couldn't take it anymore and just wanted the whole world to know. On the other hand I couldn't tell what hog was thinking behind the mask. I tried to whisper to roadhog," hey when do ya think we should go public?" I looked down so it looked like me and roadhog weren't having a conversation. Once we finish our pizza, meet in the game room ok." I nodded and we continued to munch on our pizza. When we finished we went to the game room, and hid behind some arcade machines."ok to answer your question jamie, I don't really know. I mean you can do it whenever you want it, if it makes you happy then it makes me happy." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheeks and walked off smiling like a madman.
I had checked the weather earlier and found that the weather would be really nice. So I decided to have a barbecue. But I had to plan it first, and I knew exactly who to choose. I walked up to Lena's door and knocked. Surprisingly it took quit a while, she never really did that before."hey lena!" I cheered, she laughed and hugged me. "Jamie I'd never thought to see you here" she smiled and welcomed me to her couch, I sat down right next to her. "So what's on your mind?" She asked eager for some conversation," well I'm having plans for a barbecue and I was wondering if you could help me." She almost hit the ceiling she jumped so high,"of course luv I'll do anything for ya. Let's go to a table and discuss." She smiled and sprang out of her seat and I followed.
Lena had fixed us some tea and had a notepad and pen in hands."ok luv firsts things first, what food will we have there?","oh I know, burgers, hotdogs, chips with dip, salad and beer and pop." She finished writing her notes and asked question after question after question. We had to stop because Lena basically used all the ink in her pen. "Ok" she cheered,"now it's time to go shopping". We both grabbed our wallets and zoomed out HQ.
First we went to s butcher to get all of the meats. And when we were waiting by the counter the butcher asked,"hey aren't you guys from that thing on the news with the explosions and stuff?". I stopped to say something but Lena stopped me," yeah sure are". She handed the butcher money and got our meat. "Jeez that was awkward" I said getting into the passenger seat."you can tell me that again. I put the bag behind me and turned on some tunes, Lena started to sing with it. Our next stop was at the drug store. I grabbed a cart while Lena pulled out the list of stuff we needed. Everything was fine, except a few people were staring at me and Lena but mostly they were staring at me. After that even more awkward experience we went to party city, to get some party supplies. Ya know to jazz it up a little. Since it wasn't that big of a store we found our things quickly. The staring wasn't a problem at all, mostly because not a lot of people were there.
We arrived back at HQ and put everything away. Lena started to head back to her room when I stopped her."hey Lena I just wanna say thanks for everything that you've done recently. I couldn't think of another person who's better at party planning." She smiled in return,"well thank you Jamie, ya know it's always a pleasure to work with you!" She giggled. We shook hands.
I spent the rest of the day making a bunch of posters for the barbecue and it was harder than I thought. I didn't use a computer because I didn't have one and I always liked doing stuff by hand. I gathered my supplies and started to work on it. Orange paper with the poster talking about what when and were and when I finished it didn't look to shaggy. I went to one of the many printers and started to print. Once all of that was out of the way. I got some tape and began working. Soon enough everyone would know I would be having a barbecue.
A/N- sorry for any errors, in no just that type of person.

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