Part 1: Pilot

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Narrator- It has been weeks since Junkrat and Roadhog had joined the team of overwatch, they enjoyed it mostly, people were nice most of the time and the food was great, the only thing that ticked them off was that they were always on thin ice, no one completely trusted the two criminals and knew it was going to take a while to gain their trust.....

Junkrat; I was in a deep sleep dreaming about my days back in the sweet outback and all of its sweat be-"Jamison, I feel you should get up now all the food is almost gone". It was Athena, the AI that Winston had installed  in the building."Alright Alright I'm up" I groaned. After fixing up I headed towards the cafeteria, were most of the team was, the others had already finished. Once I had gotten my food I sat next to roadhog, who was drinking tea."hey Roadie","Umnff" He replied. I sat there not knowing what he said so I just shook it off.

After breakfast we had been assigned to complete a obstacle course. Everyone zoomed through it pretty fast, even roadhog considering his size. Then it was my turn, I zoomed about halfway when there was a wall to climb over at least 14 feet, easy I thought made it over no problem. But just when i was about to go down and the place we're my foot was broke off.......


Roadhog- we were almost all done with the course, junkrat went last and we were all waiting for him.... five minutes went by and nothing happened. We paused the session and we started to search for him, it did not take long. We had found him on the ground looked like he hit head first. I laughed and jokingly kicked him.... he didn't budge."Oh shit" replied Mccree. We had sent him off with mercy and continued our daily sessions.
*Time skip*

It was dinner time and we all gathered and had BBC, and it was delicious. We played some poker and just chatted for the next few hours. While me and Soldier were talking, a nurse from the buildings hospital walked in, she asked for me to follow her. I did so accordingly. On the to thee room junkrat was in she told me that he had a concussion, and would need to be taken care of for a day, I really couldn't care less. When I walked in Jamison was in the bed with a bandage around his head, we gathered his stuff and went to his room and went straight to bed. It was weird of him because he never goes to sleep this early, but if it was peace and quiet it was good enough for me.

When I woke up I was in the break room I the lights were off and must've though I fell asleep while in here, as I was leaving I noticed a radiant glow coming from the window, then I saw something horrible.... explosions, explosions everywhere I was so shocked that I couldn't do anything but stand still and watch and then the building started to shake. Roadhog found me and yelling for me to come on and get the hell out of here and before he could get any closer a part of the ceiling fell.... on him, I looked in horror as the rest of the building fell apart... I looked up....*thud*
I woke up to a thud on the floor I sat up and saw Jamison on the ground. He was whimpering and looked like he was having a nightmare before I could lay back down Jamison yelled "Roadhog no" and started to tear up. I was confused and asks "Jamison?" He looks at me and looked pale. He managed to stutter "g-g-ghost" I went over to him and slapped him in the face and said "I'm not dead you just had a bad dream dumbass"," he shone his head and looked around the room and said "oh". I laid back down and closed my eyes. After 2 minutes I felt something on my bed and it crawling beneath the covers with me, I looked back and saw him, he was still pale, and still had a few tears running down his face, and was shaking madly. I put my arm on his shoulder and said" it's alright Jamison I'm here" and I heard him exhale really loud. "I thought you had died" he said "I have no idea in the world what to do if you weren't here". "Goodnight" I replied he closed his eyes. So did I.
The next morning I woke up, Jamison was still laying in bed next to me. I decided to get up early and grab a quick breakfast. As I was drinking tea mccree entered noticed grabbed some coffee and sat across from me. "Hey any word on junkrat?" He asked "he's fine just a minor concussion and a few bruises he won't be able to do anything today so he can recover.". "Oh well that's mighty fine" mccree replied. Everyone was very nice but always kept their distance except for tracer and mccree, mccree mainly hangs out with me and tracer hangs out with Jamison, their both pretty laid back too."so what do you think about the ladies" mccree smirked. "I'm not really in the right time for girls right now" I said. As we were chatting, tracer zoomed in "hey boys" she said cheerfully "hey" replied mccree, before he could say anything else tracer almost yelled, "hog do your know we're ol junker is, I really want to check up on him!" Said tracer worriedly,"he is out of this room and to the left were our room is", "thanks luv!" She cheered and zoomed away just like that.
I woke up to someone knocking on the door, I grumbly said "doors open" and in came tracer. She was probably my second best friend else talked all the time about everything. Before I could say anything, she went right in front of me and checked out my forehead than zoomed next to me hugging me. "You alright love, I was worried sick the whole night" she said "it fine mate just a little bump on the noggin, nothing else" I replied then she noticed that i was in roadhog bed and not mine and looked at me smirking" wha happened last night ay ol boy" she said "o-oh this, this is nothing it's just that my springs broke and my bed got really uncomfortable an-" "luv what rreeaallyy happened". I sighed closed my eyes and told her about the nightmare and how roadhog comforted me" she sat there and then hugged me really tight. I started to tear up, but she shushed me and let go, and we talked for hours on end the rest of the day

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