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*Ben quickly took Bella back to the doctor and watched on to make sure she was okay before heading back over to the nursery which was attached to his and Mal's bedroom where he found Mal struggling to stay awake with Mason in her arms, rocking in the rocking chair that Ben's parents had gotten for them*
Ben: you okay there?
Mal: shhh, he's sleeping
*he stepped closer and found their son was actually wide awake and chuckled*
Ben: honey are you sure that's not you rather than him?
Mal: quite possibly
Ben: you want me to take him?
Mal: please
*Ben carefully took his son out of the arms of his almost completely out of it wife, he went over to Mason's crib and just rocked him for a moment, it was such a surreal moment, the first time he would put his son down for a nap in his own crib*
Ben: you've so well baby
Mal: me or the actual baby?
Ben: haha, you, this last day has been so crazy
Mal: has it been a whole whole day?
Ben: since they were born, no, but since this started yeah pretty much
Mal: they're not even a full day old
Ben: I know, it's so weird, when you were pregnant...I knew it was happening but it didn't feel...I don't know...it feels so different, it's so much more real, I knew it was coming obviously but before it was just us, there were two babies but they weren't here, they were still in you, now they're here, we're parents, we have two children, in the space of a day everything's changed
Mal: yeah
Ben: sorry babe, you go get some rest
Mal: I wanna stay to put him down with you
Ben: let's be quick then so you can sleep and I can go back to Bella
Mal: okay
*together they soothe and hush Mason until he is finally asleep, Ben carefully placed him on his crib and made sure he was okay before wrapping an arm around Mal and holding her carefully against him*
Mal: we made that beautiful baby boy
Ben: and our beautiful baby girl
Mal: I'm gonna go take a nap
Ben: okay, you want me to stay with you for a bit to help you sleep?
Mal: go be with Bella
Ben: you sure?
Mal: yeah
*they kissed and then went their separate ways, she went to bed and he went back to see Bella, he was soon sat alone in a room with his daughter, he had a hand through the special slots in the incubator and stroked her tiny little hand gently with his thumb while she gripped at his finger quite contently*
Ben: hi sweetheart, you okay there? Sorry if I sound like a total doofus, as you can tell I'm kinda new to you this whole thing, the only person I've ever been in charge of taking care of before is your mom and that's a totally different ballpark to this, you gave us quite a scare you know? If something had've happened to you....I don't know what we would've done....but you're okay, so it's all okay, we love you so much baby girl, we are gonna do our absolute best for you, every step of the way, just bare with us yeah? We're new to this whole parents thing, we'll try not to screw up too many times I promise, you're so small and innocent, I just hope we can help you stay that way, I'm sorry you have to be who you are, the title, the attention from the media, I wish I could give you your privacy Bels, I love you sweet girl, with all of my heart I love you
*moments later Ben's thought were interrupted by the doctor coming back in*
Doctor: you can hold her for a while if you want, she's doing really well, is all very confusing
Ben: sounds like her mother's rubbed off on her already then
Doctor: ha yes, perhaps
*the doctor helps him sort it out and he soon finds himself lifting his daughter very carefully into his arms, the doctor tells him she'll be back in about ten minutes when Bella would have to be put back into the incubator again and then he sat back down and cradled his daughter in his arms*
Ben: you're so small, how are you so small? It's crazy and terrifying and yet beautiful and amazing all at once, how is that even possible?
*Bella giggles and then her eyes catch Ben's, he knew she couldn't focus her gaze yet, it was all just a big blur to her but somehow he felt a deeper connection to her than he'd ever imagined making with anyone other than Mal, it was just an unbreakable bond, he knew he would protect her and her brother with everything he had, she was precious, so pure and beautiful, she had his eyes, he couldn't stop looking at them, every single second it became more and more real in such a strange sense, he was expecting to love them of course, but he didn't know it was even possible to love so unconditionally just from a glance or touch, even with Mal he hadn't just fallen this deep this fast but this little girl had stolen his heart without any idea it was even possible and he would never want it back*


Had to do this scene because let's be honest Ben would high-key be the most adorable father in the world and that's that xoxo

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