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*they stay snuggled up in silence for a while until he realises she's finally asleep, he smiled, he couldn't help but wonder if he could have this same soothing effect on their kids, then his mind was brought back to what she'd said to him, it kept spinning around in his head after that, there were two beautiful little babies in his wife's currently rather small stomach which now he knew actually had a bump, but he could barely get it into his head thatthat was happening, but to find out then that one of them might be taken away from him? Just a random freak of nature? That killed him, he had to fake being fine for her but it was so hard, eventually she finally stirred back to reality*
Mal: pretty please just tell me I was dream and none of this is real
Ben: I wish I could baby
Mal: ugh
Ben: I've gotta go talk to some people, make it clear tomorrow isn't happening
Mal: what do you mean? You're cancelling the ball?
Ben: yeah
Mal: why?
Ben: well you're not up to it and I'm not exactly gonna leave you am I? So that's what happens
Mal: what do you mean I'm not up to going? I'm fine, I will be fine
Ben: you just found out you're pregnant, you don't want to have to be doing all that
Mal: I'm only 3 months, I think I'll survive
Ben: I just want to let you rest
Mal: oh
Ben: what
Mal: nothing, I just got it
Ben: just got what?
Mal: what this is actually about
Ben: what?
Mal: don't worry, look don't cancel it, you should go, I'll be fine here
Ben: no Mal what were you talking about
Mal: I don't want to talk about it
Ben: wha.....oh dear god no Mal, that is not it at all!
Mal: bullshit, just admit it Ben, save us the trouble
Ben: I'll admit to being worried about you and thinking maybe you should be in bed rest but....
*not in the mood, she cuts him off*
Ben: what Mal?! What do you want me to admit?!
*she bursts out into yet another set of teas, her hormones really were all over the place*
Ben: dear god Mal, of course I don't hate you for that, baby, stop crying sweetheart, please, I could never hate you for that, or blame you, it's not your fault, it sucks, it's soul destroying but I do not blame you, not even for a second
Mal: I feel so guilty
Ben: you can't think like that, baby this isn't because of that....well I guess it kinda is, I mean, somewhere in my mind I can't help but think wouldn't it be less likely if we just keep you well rested and not doing much but the rest of me knows that not how it works, honestly I'd be bundling you up and trying to keep you in this bed forever if this was just normal, but don't ever think I blame you for this because I so don't
Mal: how don't you? I blame myself every single second
Ben: I had as much a hand in this as you did, you didn't get yourself pregnant babe
Mal: but it's not you that's causing this, it's my godforsaken magic, it ruins everything!
Ben: calm down sweetie, it's all gonna be okay
Mal: but it's not!
Ben: shhh I know you're scared but we're just going to have to do everything we can and hope for the best
Mal: I can't lose my child
Ben: I know baby, look are you sure you don't want me to cancel tomorrow night?
Mal: I don't want you to cancel it, I want to do my duty, go out there, celebrate my amazing husbands 21st birthday and try to forget about our current situation
Ben: alright
Mal: Ben, are we going to announce this?
Ben: your pregnancy?
Mal: yeah
Ben: well we'll have to eventually
Mal: can we keep this to ourselves though? If it does go badly, I.....I don't want anyone to know
Ben: if that's what you want the that's what we'll do
Mal: I'm sorry, I...I can just barely handle this, I don't think I even can, so if everyone knew....I'd never forgive myself, not that I ever can anyway, but yeah
Ben: okay, but please try to stop blaming yourself continuously,  try to relax, just enjoy what we have
Mal: I'll try


I just planned this whole pregnancy out pretty much and oh damn shits gonna go down    😂😂 xoxo

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