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Doctor: what happened?!
*as the doctor rushes into the room Ben had been directed to he was thrust into a flashback by her question, after she'd collapsed he'd tried to rouse her but to no avail, nothing he did seemed to have any affect, she would not wake up, he'd picked her up and immediately rushed to the doctor in the hopes that she'd be able to do something, he felt like breaking down, he felt so guilty, it was his fault wasn't it? If he hadn't have said anything she'd not have gotten worked up*
Ben: we got in a fight, she got mad and then suddenly the weather turned with her, I tried to calm her down but it was like she was in a trance and then she just collapsed
*as Ben finished speaking the ground beneath them began to tremble, as Mal was hooked up to the monitors they could see all her vitals were going haywire*
Ben: what the hell is going on?!
Doctor: that is a very good question
Ben: well would you happen to have an answer?!
*the doctor ignored his outburst and just then another shockwave occurred, the doctor quickly went to the door and called for people to help her, as they came in Ben got pushed out, he tried to get back in my they shut the door on him, he went to the window but very quickly the blinds were shut, same for the door, he couldn't see anything, he had no idea what was happening, that was when he snapped, a nurse came towards him but he just couldn't deal with it, he ran out of the room and leant against a wall just outside in anguish, his guards came out behind him but Ben clearly had no interest in company*
Ben: you are relieved of your duty to me for the time being
*he'd used the last of his calm to tell them to go and yet they had not done as they had been told, refusing to leave the kings side in case of attack but Ben 'didn't care that they were just doing their duty, he just wanted to be alone*
Ben: go!
Guard 1: your highness we cannot....
*they looked at him for a moment, unsure of what to do, but hey can see in his eyes that he will not be backing down so they nod and walk away, once they're gone Ben begins to move further away from there, he soon found himself outside in the gardens and that was it, he just let it all go, he yelled in grief and fell to his knees, he couldn't hold it in anymore, he could feel tears begin to run down his cheeks, before he had tried his best to hold himself together and to be okay so Mal could lean on him but now it was all slipping and he just fell apart, then he remembered, his son was all alone, what was he doing?! He ran straight to the nursery and sighed with relief as he found Mason asleep in his crib, he lifted him out gently and his son began to wake up because of this, he looked at his mess of a father in confusion and quickly becomes unsettled as a result of seeing his father so torn apart*
Ben: I'm sorry
*his son looked at him blankly, clearly with no idea what he was saying*
Ben: I can't have you there too
*he held his son tightly, he tried to keep his mind on his son, unable to stand the thought of what may be happening to his mother right now, Ben decided to focus on something else, but then another quake happened and he knew he'd have to go back to her, something was happening to her and that was causing this, somehow*


Well this took way longer to come out that I was aiming for but oh well, I'm trying to update as often as I can but I'm really busy atm xoxo

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