I Am Home and Power Transition

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"Stiles" Scott said shakily, eyes wide.

He didn't react.

Derek wasn't sure what was going on. He could sense the anger radiating from Stiles and something else odd. Something that smelt like electricity and told his instincts to be careful.

It was so strange though, what did he need to be careful of? This was Stiles for cry sake! He'd never try and hurt them, right?

"I think I asked a you a question" Stiles said, his voice like acid.

"We've come to take you back, you're coming home with us!" Scott said, unsure why they were being treated like this.

"Coming home?" Stiles repeated mockingly.

He shook his head but still had his back to them.

"Why? Why now? You had months to come and get me, weeks even but you show up here after years?" Stiles sneered.

"We were...ugh!" Derek growled.

This was to frustrating.

Why wouldn't Stiles face them?

"Turn around and face us! We can talk better then! Look all you need to understand if we've come for you! Isn't that enough? We've come rescue you" Derek snarled, eyes flashing.

"Rescue me? And what if I told you, that I didn't want to be rescued alpha? What then?"

Derek shook his head, this wasn't how he planned this would go and the silent fury radiating from Stiles was completely different than before.

It was almost like a different person was standing in front of him.


Stiles had always called him by his name, only the sorcerous had called him by that and called him wolf instead of ask for his name.

Like they were beasts that didn't have names, like they weren't even people.

In fact the way Stiles had addressed him earlier with wolf, he had sounded like he to was disgusted by them, like the other Sorcerous where.

But... Stiles had loved the fact they were wolves, he'd been in awe of them, he'd done what ever he could to get them to accept him, he'd thought it would have been cool to be one of them but now?

What had changed?

How had so much changed?

Derek remembered Madam Rucia's words. His eyes narrowed. There was only one explanation he could think of.

"They've done something to you haven't they? They're controlling you somehow? What have they done to you!?"

"Nothing I didn't want" Stiles replied stiffly.

That answer did not help.

"I don't belong to your dog pack any more, I belong here" Stiles added, still he had not turned around.

"What are you talking about Stiles? You're human, you belong on earth" Scott said, his voice trembling.

Stiles bent down slightly and Derek swore he heard a chuckle from Stiles before he looked up again, looking out of the window.

"So it is true, my father didn't tell you" Stiles said slowly.

He added, more to himself "I suppose he wanted you to worry more about my well being than that, I didn't exactly look my best then.

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