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"If you liked it, PUNCH that like button IN the face, LIKE A BOSS!!! And... high fives all around! Whapoosh, whapoosh!! Thank you guys and I will see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!!"

Jack held his smile for a moment longer, then reached out and stopped the video his camera was taking... and ended up smiled even wider with the camera off. He loved making videos. Even if they made him super angry. Just like this one did!

Happy Wheels is always rage inducing. But hey! As long as his fans enjoyed it, right?

He got up and stretched. He had been sitting at his gaming desk for an hour and a half. He needed something... but he didn't know what.

He started to leave the room, just to wander around the house until he knew what he wanted, when he heard a whisper.


He froze in his spot and whipped around, but there was no one there. No one - unless he had invited them to make a video - would ever come in his studio while he was recording.

"H-hello? Signe? Is that you?"

No reply.

He shrugged it off. He must be hearing things after getting so angry at Steve. Man he is tired of Steve getting so FUCKING stupid...

Tired. Coffee. That's what he wants.

He rushed out of the room to the coffee maker in the kitchen and made himself some pure black coffee. As the coffee was pouring, he heard that voice again.


It was presented as a question that time, but sounded slightly... different from the first time. The lowness of the voice sounded forced. But that still scared him nonetheless. He knew it had to be somewhere in the room. He turned around and looked everywhere in and around the kitchen. There was still no one there.

He again shrugged it off. He just needed coffee; he's just tired. And he would sleep, but for one, he needed to edit the video he just made, and two...


He grabbed his coffee and went back upstairs into his recording room to edit his video. He took a nice long drink before beginning, and felt the warmth going through his body as soon as he swallowed. He immediately felt better.

He began to edit while sipping on his coffee. Then, about half an hour later, he heard it.


Where the hell is that voice coming from???

He looked everywhere, even in the most irrational places, like behind his computer where there was no space for a person to fit in. But he had no idea where it was coming from.

"Alright, listen here, ya bastard!!! Come out and show yourself!! You're freaking me the hell out and I need to edit this video!"

All of a sudden, he heard the voice right behind him.

.... BOO.

He jumped at least a foot in the air and whipped around to see Signe laughing. Jack looked relieved at first, then his relief turned into confusion, then finally, to anxiousness. His eyes started darting around the room.


She quit laughing and looked up at him with tears in her eyes from laughing so hard.


Jack paused. "How long have you been doing that for?"

Signe could see the worry in her boyfriend's face. She had stopped laughing. "As you were making coffee. Why?"

Jack's face paled slightly, but Signe didn't notice. He nodded his head. "Ah. Ok."

Signe looked at Jack, concern etched on her face.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Jack could see the concern, and tried to shake off the eerie feeling of someone else's eyes on him. He smiled.

"Yeah!!! Yeah I'm good. Man you really scared me for a minute." He laughed lightly.

Signe recognized it was fake but played along anyway as to not cause Jack any more stress. She laughed, a fake smile going to her lips as she tried to make it authentic. "Haha, yeah, I thought it'd be funny." She then walked towards the door. "I also thought it'd be a good way to tell you: I'm going to bed. You should too."

Jack glanced at the clock. Holy shit, it's 1:00 in the morning??? He had been editing for 5 hours? How the heck did that happen?? He must've fallen asleep or something...

"Yeah, yeah, alright I'm coming. Give me a minute."

Signe nodded and walked out of the studio.

Jack stopped smiling, worry etched on his face once more. He searched the entire room again, making sure he didn't miss any spot. He wanted to be sure...

Once he felt satisfied, he left the recording room and went to the warm covers of his bed. He changed from his jeans and regular old black shirt to his SepticSam pajamas.

Hey, give him a break, he needed some comfort after all that.

He climbed into bed alongside Signe, and almost immediately began to fall asleep. He started to drift off into the safety of unconsciousness...


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