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Dark grabbed his suitcase off the conveyer belt and started walking to the nearest exit.

God, how he hated airports.

They were crowded with people who were either super rude or super exhausted. They all reeked of the airplane bathroom and wine could be smelled on their breath. He almost felt bad for some of them, and almost wanted to strangle others.

He went through the glass doors of the airport and caught the nearest taxi. It was pouring down rain. He tried opening the back of the taxi, but it was jammed. He kept trying for a solid five minutes before finally giving up and getting in the back of the taxi.

When he got inside with his suitcase, he was drenched from head to toe. He was also pissed the driver didn't come and try to help him.

Not to mention he was super rude.

The driver rolled down the metal thing that separated the front and the back and turned to look at him with a glare and with beer on his breath.

"Where to, sir?"

Dark turned to look at him with an equally, if not more deadly, glare.

"2101 Edward Road, sir." He growled.

The driver immediately looked surprised. He very soon after that turned around to drive and snapped the metal thing shut.

Dark sighed. This was going to be a long car ride.

Anti waited for Dark at the front of the coffee shop. He was starting to get impatient.

"Come on, Dark..."

He couldn't be out there too much longer without another fan noticing him.

Finally, a yellow cab drove up to the coffee shop. Anti watched as Dark, who looked like he was completely soaked, got out of the taxi with his small suitcase and slammed the car door shut. The driver immediately sped off back to wherever he was supposed to be.

Dark walked up to Anti and nodded. They walked through the alley in between the coffee shop and a sweatshirt shop to a parking lot. There in the very front of it was Jack's car.

"Come on, let's go, before a fan spots us." Anti quickly said as he started to power walk towards the car, with Dark close behind.

They got to the car, with Dark in the passenger's seat and Anti driving. As soon as Anti buckled, he sped off in the direction of the field they would talk in. He had found it while Dark was flying to Brighton. No one would be around and they would be able to talk without any eavesdroppers.

After about 20 minutes on the highway, Anti turned sharply off the road and drove against the bumpy earth that held a variety of plants.

After driving another 10 minutes into the center of the field, Anti stopped the car. Dark and Anti got out and stood face to face in front of the car.

Anti spoke first.

"Dark, we have some serious shit going on right now. And you better listen really well because I'm only going to tell you this once.

What you are planning is extremely dangerous. If you go through with this, not only will it destroy this planet but all it's inhabitants. Including me and Jack. I'm a part of this world, you know."

Dark sighed. He knew this would happen.

"Anti, you don't understand. This could change the way my people live. I don't understand why you don't accept it."

"Because it will literally destroy the Earth! Dark, ripping a soul from a body and possessing it for eternity can cause catastrophic events! And you know that!!! If you try to kill Mark while he's still inside of you... YOU, MARK, AND EVERYONE ELSE WILL DIE! GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!!"

Dark's eyes glowed a brighter red. Anti felt a sting across his face.

Dark has slapped him.

Dark then grabbed Anti's shirt and growled.


Dark's figure turned ice cold to the touch and let go of Anti. He faced away from Anti and looked up.

"You are lesser than me. You have no power over me whatsoever."

Wings started to sprout from Dark's back, with the edges of the wings fading from black to red. Dark turned around with pitch black eyes as the sky suddenly got darker.

"You cannot win. Not with your only faith being in the worthless human soul you possess.

Join me. Together we can rule the underworld and get rid of that no good piece of shit you call a girlfriend."

Suddenly, Dark was knelt at the ground, clutching his stomach. Anti was looking down at him with one glowing eye, the green in it turning darker by the second. Dark looked up.

"I may not have as much power as you, Dark, but I know for a fact that it doesn't just amount to power. It amounts to how you use it."

Anti's hands turned red and his fingers became claws. A green cloud started to form around him.

"And don't you EVER say anything about my girlfriend again, you fucking pervert."

Anti punched Dark square in the jaw. Dark's eyes got an even darker shade of black, so black it was like looking into a bottomless pit of nothingness.

"So be it."

And the fight began.

Hey guys! So I know the schedule is super messed up now thanks to my awful time management...
I had a huge writers block when I was writing chapter 7. I wanted to keep writing something but didn't know how to progress. So I stopped writing to see if I could find any way to progress the chapter. Y'all saw how that turned out...
Anyway, thanks for bearing with me! Love all of you!!!

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