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This time, when Jack stopped the recording, he stopped smiling. That's when his copy came back to life on his computer.

Thank you for this Jack. I know we've had some rough times in the past, but just trust me when I say this will be worth it.

"Yeah, right... you better be being truthful about this. Because if you aren't -"

Yes, yes, I know. But you realize I'd never ask for help unless I really needed it, right?
Dark stepped out of the bathroom after taking Mark's phone, keys, and wallet. He flexed Mark's muscles.

"It's gonna take a while to get used to this..."

He sighed. At least he knew Mark was safe, or as safe as he could be. Jack on the other hand...

He shuddered. He knew what would happen if Anti went too far. It would kill Mark.


He shook his head, trying to get the thought out of his mind. It couldn't be THAT bad of a plan... right?

Dark walked into Mark's room and logged onto the computer. As soon as it turned on, it began to glitch. Then a Skype call came on screen.

It was Jack.

Dark clicked the accept button.

Staring back at him was Anti.

Anti looked at him with nothing but fire in his own eyes. You ready for this, brother?

"... As ready as I'll ever be."

A/N - I don't really know why it took me so long to publish this. I know it's really short, but it's the best I could come up with atm.
Please don't be mad at me...
*shields myself from flying objects*

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