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"What could you possibly need help for that requires me??"

Dark never asked for help. EVER. Not until today, at least. Most of the time Dark just tried to torture Mark almost to the brink of insanity by threatening to hurt his friends and family and fans, plus mentally torturing Mark himself.

He still has the scars....

Dark started off slowly. You remember Anti, right? Jack's darker ego?

Of course Mark remembered him. Anti has tortured him, too.


Dark sighed. Let's just cut straight to the point here, as we don't have much time. Anti is wanting to take over Jack. Permanently.

However, he doesn't know that he's not capable of that kind of power yet. He's not a strong enough being to accomplish that. If he takes over Jack, all could be lost, and he could be destroyed.

Mark nodded, and Dark continued. He won't listen to anyone except me. What I need you to do is let me invade your mind and body - not for forever, just for as long as needed to save Jack and Anti -


Dark stopped. Mark was staring him down with hard eyes.

"No. How the heck can I trust you when you say you'll only take over for a little bit? How can I trust you? You haven't been very trustworthy in the past. How do I know you won't want to just keep it that way?"

Dark answered immediately. The way you care about Jack is the way I care about Anti, but on a much deeper level. Look, I know we've been through rough times -

"Yeah, rough times..." Mark murmured.

SHUT UP AND LET ME TALK. Mark immediately stopped talking. Dark sighed, pinched his nose and continued. I know we've been through bad times, but if you let me do this, I can save Jack too. If Anti is destroyed while he is possessing Jack, Jack will die. And it won't be a very peaceful passing either.

Mark involuntarily winced.

I know what that would do to you. It'd torture you for the rest of your life, meaning I wouldn't be anywhere near being able to hurt you anymore.

I wouldn't be asking for help unless I was desperate. I try to do most stuff on my own. You know that.

Mark did. Dark did everything alone and never asked for help, unless the situation was dire.

Just like this one.

Mark thought for a moment. If Mark let's Dark do this, there's still a possibility he's lying. Mark could probably go stop Anti himself.

You can't stop Anti. Dark said, reading Mark's thoughts. He's ruthless. He's not scared of anyone and won't take orders from anyone, much less you. Plus, I have special abilities, being who I am, that you do not.

That is true. Dark had a lot more power over Anti than Mark did. And if Dark was telling the truth - which, for once, it seemed like he was - Jack would be saved too.

Mark finally sighed and said, "Ok. Fine. I'll do it."

Dark smiled generously towards Mark, thanking him without words. This was going to be very painful.

Before we go, you should go upload a video saying you'll be out a while. We don't want anyone getting suspicious.

Mark nodded and left the bathroom. He entered the recording room and got completely set up for the video. He pressed the record button on his camera.

"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier, and I have an important announcement to make."

"I'm going to take a break from taking videos for now. It's starting to wear down on me, but don't worry!" He grinned. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I just need a bit of a break from the business of life. I'll upload recordings I was saving for later next week for the next few days. I don't know when I'll be back, but I'll try to be back soon. So don't worry about me!"

"Thank you for watching, and as always: I'll see YOU -" he pointed to the camera "- in the next video. Buh-bye!" He waved for a good 10 seconds before hitting stop. He spent only a few minutes editing the video, and then uploaded it to YouTube to tell his friends, family, and fans that he would be gone.

He then set times for the videos he had prerecorded to upload at certain times over the next few days. Once he was done, he walked out of his recording studio and back into the bathroom, where Dark was waiting.

"Alright, Dark, let's get this over with. Make it fast, this is excruciatingly painful to experience."

Dark grinned. I know. I'll try to be fast. Something in his face told Mark that may or may not be true.

He saw Dark leap out of the mirror as a whisp of black smoke, and before he could say anything, the smoke entered his open mouth.

His throat was on fire. He started coughing instantly, choking on the smoke. He saw his vision go blurry. He trembled with pain, waves going up and down his entire body.

After a few minutes, the pain ceased suddenly. Mark stood straight up. Only Mark wasn't the one controlling the system anymore.

Dark looked into the mirror that now had Mark in it. Mark's body had turned a light grey color, and his eyes were now changed to look like Dark's. His hair was somehow even darker than it's previous color of black. Dark smiled at Mark, trying to look genuine, but only making Mark uncomfortable.

"Alright. Let's move."

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