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Ok guys. Hey. Hi. How are ya.

I said I was gonna finish this story... in July of this year... and I know I still haven't. I promise that eventually I will.

I'm a senior in high school right now, so everything's just really busy with me keeping up with all of my classes - I take both high school AND college classes at the university closest to me - and I'm involved in choir, National honor society, and most of my classes are AP or honors. I also have to deal with all of my college stuff, since I'm planning on going straight to college as soon as I'm out of high school.

That being said, though, I'm still going to finish this story. I really want to. But I just don't have the time right now to commit to finishing this.

I haven't ever put this story on hold, but I'm officially doing it now, because I feel bad just leaving you guys in the dark about where I am or why I haven't updated when I keep saying "I'll update soon" or "I'll finish this story soon" or whatever.

I'm going to try to write here and there, and when I get to a point where I can pause for like a day I'll crank out some chapters or do SOMETHING. But I just wanted to let you guys know what was going on so that you didn't think I died or anything - I didn't die, I'm just extremely busy and don't have a whole ton of time to write right now.

On another note, I noticed something today:

THIS BOOK IS #2 IN DARKIPLIER?!?! WHAT?!? That's freaking amazing, and I'm so so thankful for the people that continue to read this even though I started this when I was like a freshman or sophomore (I don't remember which in all honesty).

Something else as well: I've thought about a couple of other possible ideas for books. They aren't fandom related, but I wanted to know what y'all would think of them if I decided to write them:

1. I have some extremely wacky dreams. Like, dreams that I feel like a stable person would not have: I've died in a lot of my dreams, I've killed someone before, I've been brainwashed...etc. I had the idea that I turn the dreams I remember into short stories - when I tell people about my dreams, it's honestly pretty entertaining, and they are normally concerned for my well being (I'm not okay, I promise). Point being: if you guys would like to see this, PLEASE let me know because I feel like this would be a fun way to write more often than I do now and idk I just feel like it would be really fun.
2. I've had an idea for another book. It is not fandom related, but rather something that just popped into my head randomly that I thought would be cool: idk how many of you happen to watch Thomas Sanders, but I've been HARDCORE OBSESSED with the Sanders Sides videos since this summer. I had an idea that had to do with intrusive thoughts (my idea for a plot came from the TS fandom, but it isn't TS or SS related), where any intrusive thought the main character had became real. Most would be pretty tame, but there would be one that would change her life forever. I'm not giving all the details in case I decide I want to write this later, but please let me know if that would sound interesting.

As I said before, let me know if either of these ideas sound interesting. I think they would be really fun to write, personally, but I wanted to get y'all's opinion too.

Anyway, I think that's everything for now. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me through this book - I PROMISE that it will get done. I just have to put it on hold until I can really sit down and crank chapters out.

Peace out, all of you wonderful people!
- Miranda

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