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WARNING: if you are uncomfortable (for lack of a better term) with torture or gore, PLEASE do not read this chapter!!! Read at your own risk!

Amy watched helplessly as Anti walked towards Tyler, something from the table in his hand.

"Don't worry, it'll only hurt a little."

Amy saw Anti's hand fly forwards. Blood started to drip from a large gash in his arm. Tyler screamed out in pain, the other friends only able to watch in pure horror.

Anti drew his hand back again only to stab Tyler in the thigh. Tyler started to scream even louder as Anti twisted the knife around and around.


Anti immediately pulled the knife out of Tyler's leg, and whipped around to the rest of the group, a blank look on his face. Anti walked over to the table and put the knife down, which was now not only coated in Robin's but also Tyler's blood. Tyler was now crying from the pain in his arm and leg.

Anti walked over to Signe, who now looked like she was about to curl in on herself. That's when he smiled maniacally.

"Aw, it's Jack's little flower. I thought I'd save you for last, but since you spoke when it wasn't your turn..."

That's when Anti punched Signe in the nose. He kept punching and beating her while the rest of them screamed. By the time Anti was done, Signe had passed out with a bloody nose and a black eye, along with several bruises all down her arms and on her stomach.

"That's what happens when you speak out of turn. Let that be a lesson to the rest of you." Anti growled.

All of them decided to stay quiet.

Anti walked back to the table and looked at his options again. He picked up a small gun.

Then pointed it at Ethan.

Ethan started to shake out of fear. He was already crying.

Anti turned the safety off and pulled the trigger.

The bullet went straight through Ethan's leg. Ethan cried out in pain as he started to sob harder. Anti put the gun down and walked over to Ethan. He put his hand around Ethan's neck and started to squeeze. Ethan started to sputter, trying to get air into his lungs, while Anti just kept squeezing his neck harder and harder. Ethan's face started to change to blue from the lack of oxygen.

Anti finally let go and Ethan started to cough, so hard that he coughed up a little blood. Ethan was still struggling to breathe when he also passed out. Amy looked over to Tyler and saw he had also passed out along with Signe and Ethan.

Anti walked back to the table once again to grab another weapon off the table.

It was a whip.

He walked towards Amy and Robin, who were right next to each other. Fear was clearly evident in each of their faces. It seemed like Anti was trying to decide who would have this fate.

"Jack, I know you're in there somewhere. Please... just stop... please..." Robin sobbed.

Anti looked at Robin with a look of pure anger. He walked right in front of Robin, who was now in the direct path of the whip, and Amy was no longer in danger.

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