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A/N: this chapter is based off a song by Jon Bellion called iRobot. It's really stuck in my head and I thought "hey it kinda applies to this chapter" so I decided to use it. The lyrics will be in bold.

You motherfucker.
I trusted you.
Why did you lie to me?


It was the same every day. Anti would come in, torture each of the friends until they all passed out, and then he'd heal each of their injuries, and wait until they were awake again to torture us.

They smelled disgusting. None of them had taken a shower in weeks; we became super thin from the lack of food and water.

Amy was always the last to be tortured. She didn't understand why. It's almost as if this Anti character - whoever he might be - had some sort of.... sympathy for her.

Was it possibly because he knew something about Mark?

She almost didn't care anymore. She really just wanted to die so this cycle of pain and suffering and torture would just... end. Watching all her friends get hurt terribly and then being hurt herself was unbearable.

If that's what Anti calls "sympathy," it's pretty far from it.


I was a human.

As Anti walked in to torture them once more, tears sprang into everyone's eyes, including Amy's.

Breathing and thinking, eating and drinking, philosophizing.

Amy wanted so badly to just let this all be a nightmare, and wake up with Mark. She wanted to see Chica again. She wanted life to go back to normal where none of them had to worry about anything.

I was a human, before you killed me and ripped my heart out.

Amy was broken. She felt empty. Lifeless. Like she no longer had meaning.

I knew what love was.

She remembered all the times Mark had said "I love you." She smiled sadly and closed her eyes.

I had a fire, passion and desire.

She didn't care anymore. It was out of her control. She didn't want it to be in her control. She wanted to escape.

Now all I require are circuits and wires.

She could hear everyone's horrified screams, but she ignored all of them. She knew this was what was needed. What she needed.

Inside was an ocean of soul and emotion.

She forgot everyone. She forgot all the friendships she had made over her lifetime. She forgot Mark.

Then you cut me open.

This was Anti's doing. She knew that, but didn't care.

Now all that I know is I am a robot, thoughtless and empty.

She does what she's told. Her opinions don't matter.

Electric robot, everything's gray now.

She could hear people screaming her name, but they didn't matter. Who even were they?

Numb to the pain now.

She was losing control over her body. She could feel tears going down her face but didn't do anything to stop them as she kept smiling.

Now when they ask me, I just reply slow and sound like an iPhone.

She could hear someone laughing. Whether it was her or her torturer, she wasn't sure.

I do not know love.

She doesn't matter. She doesn't care. She only exists to serve a single purpose.

I am a robot.


Anti looked towards Amy as she fell asleep again. Everyone had horrified looks on their face. Jack was screaming inside his head.

What the fuck??!! What the hell just happened?? What the fuck did you do to her, you motherfucker?!

Everyone was crying, too. Ethan, Tyler, and Signe looked shocked as they started at what was once Amy. Jack was sobbing inside his mind, but Anti ignored him.

Please, Anti... j-just tell me what's going on... and why Amy is... is... Jack trailed off, not even able to finish his thought.

Anti walked over and unlocked the chains that were on Amy's wrists. He picked her up bridal style out of the room, leaving everyone else inside confused and even more scared.

Anti went down several hallways of the house until he found a bedroom. He set her down on the bed and waited for a few moments before she opened her eyes.

Her physical appearance was completely different. Her hair had changed to a light shade of pink. She had grown an eye in the middle of her forehead. All of her skin was purple and scaly, like a fish.

The biggest difference were the eyes. They were a glossy yellow. They didn't even look human. They looked like a toy's eyes.

She looked at Anti with a confused expression on her face.

"What's going on? Where am I?"


"Who am I?"

She began to panic, but before she could start screaming, Anti placed a hand on hers.

"You're in a bedroom of a house right now.

And your name...

Is Alex."

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