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Dark went home, bruised and scratched from the fight with Anti. He knew he'd get in the way of his plan.

He knew Mark well enough that he'd buy his lie with almost no questions. Key word: almost. When he got home and started talking to Dark in the mirror, Mark's suspicions grew stronger.

Dark could tell Mark was thinking about fighting back. But he couldn't let that happen. Especially with what he was planning to do; it was too big for Mark to handle.

He also knew Anti would fight back for sure. He didn't know how, or when, but Dark knew Anti would figure out a way; after all, this pathetic piece of rock is Anti's home.

Dark didn't buy the bullshit Anti had told him, about causing "catastrophic events" when he split himself and Mark and took over Mark's body.

He had spent the last 200 years trying to find a plan. He wasn't going to stop now.

He will become king. He. Will.

And nothing is going to stop him.

So sorry this is so short. I wanted to get something out during the week before the weekend started.

Please don't be too mad 😂

- Miranda

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