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A/N: I will love you if you get the two references in this chapter.

Jack woke up the next morning after sleeping until noon. He thought for a moment that everything was okay, everything was normal...

And then all of the memories of the last week crashed onto him like a tidal wave.

He was overcome with emotion so fast he began to sob loudly, like a scared child. He tucked his knees into his body and put his head onto his knees and stayed that way for an hour, maybe even two.

When he finally regained his composure, he went straight to the bathroom to take a shower and to take time to think.

As he took off his clothes and stepped into the shower, he heard a voice in the back of his head.


"Anti, please, not right now. Just give me some peace for a few minutes." Jack sighed.

Anti stayed silent. Even though Anti was a demon, he still kind of cared for Jack.

Kind of.

Anti really only cared for Jack because if Jack died, he would die with him. Jack knew that. But sometimes he couldn't shake the feeling that Anti's kindness sometimes went deeper than that, to where they were almost... friends.

Wow, that's a weird thought.

Jack took a deep breath and exhaled as the hot water rinsed him and he began to weigh his options about what Anti said the night before.

If Jack went and trusted Anti, it could risk losing the rest of his friends, and not saving Mark from Dark.

However, if Jack didn't trust Anti with this, there would be no chance of changing Alex back to Amy and saving Mark.

He sighed in frustration. It was clear which choice he had to make.
Once Jack was dressed and had eaten, he went in front of the full length mirror. He didn't see his reflection.

"Anti, get out here. Now."

Slowly, his demon counterpart showed himself to Jack through the mirror. He was looking at Jack with a weird expression on his face.

It almost looked sad and angry at the same time.

Jack rubbed his neck and began. "I've been thinking about all of this, and I think I've decided to trust you. If I didn't, there would be no chance of me saving Mark on my own, and no chance of changing Alex back. You would know how to do that better than I would. So I'm trusting you."

Anti gave him a sad smile. "I know this is tough... but thank you. For believing me. I promise we will save Mark, and Amy will be back to normal soon."

Jack gave him a sad smile in return as he closed his eyes and felt his body go numb. When he opened his eyes, he was back in the mirror, staring at his possessed body.

"Let's go, we can't waste any more time."

Jack nodded in agreement, and Anti walked out of the room.
Mark was worried.

He had been on YouTube and Twitter, and had noticed that a lot of his friends had been absent from their social media.

Ethan, Tyler, Amy, Signe, Cry, Robin, and Felix... they all just disappeared with no warning.

And then there was Jack. Mark didn't have a good sense of time here, but he knew that if time was the same in here as the real world, then Jack would've finished moving by now and would've started making regular uploads.

He tried to DM Jack on Instagram... but there was no option to. He tried with everyone else, and each yielded the same results.

He yelled in frustration and slammed the computer shut.

He just wanted to know his friends were okay...
The friends looked nervously around the cold stone room. It wasn't like Anti to just leave them there for that long.

He must be dealing with Alex.

Ethan looked towards where Amy used to be. He wanted to know exactly how that even happened...

And if it could happen to him too.

He shuddered. No way. There's no way it could happen to him. It couldn't.

Everyone jumped at the sound of the door opening and closing with a slam as Anti walked in with all kinds of tools.

There was a small knife, a lighter, a cigarette, a rope, and a glove.

He started to make his rounds around the room, but before he could, there was a sniffling on one side of the room.


The same thing that had happened to Amy was happening to Felix. His skin started to turn bright red and began to look like cracked earth, and his hair was a sunset orange color. His eyes were closed and wet as he smiled painfully. His hands turned into more of a claw like shape, and his tears began to be yellow instead of clear.

All the friends were screaming, trying to snap Felix out of it. It wasn't effective at stopping him. Anti just stood there with his head cocked to one side as he waited. Ethan could feel wet, warm tears streaming down his face as his vision became blurry.

Felix finally stopped shuddering and passed out, and Anti walked over to him. He unlocked the chains on his wrists and, like he had done with Amy, carried Felix out of the room.

Ethan, Tyler, Signe, Cry, and Robin stayed there and sobbed loudly as they processed what happened. Both Felix and Amy were gone.

Anti soon walked back in and was about to start again when another sniffle was heard.

This time, it was from Ethan.

He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't stand seeing his friends get hurt and him not being able to do shit. He could hear his friends screaming again, and he could imagine Anti's head being cocked to the side again. He had a burning sensation all throughout his body, but he enjoyed it. It was so much better than the torture he had witnessed and endured. He started laughing under his breath as even more tears streamed in lines on his face.

He had to leave.

He had to escape reality...



Proud of myself for this chapter.


Which is not something I do often on here because I forget it exists sometimes...


But uhh... yeah. I did it. Expect at least one more chapter by the end of this week.

Love you all!
- Miranda

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