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"Mom you cant be serious."

"Jungkook I already told you this 3 days ago" she said pulling out a suitcase from his closet and gently setting it down on His bed. "Don't worry you'll feel better once we get their trust me." She said dumping some clothes from his closet into the suitcase.

"Mom please tell me your joking."  The boy said in disbelief.

Jungkook's mom sighed and sat next to her son. "Jungkook I know that you really don't want to move to south Korea, and you don't really like him that much. But he's the only person that's been able to make me feel the way your father did." when the thought of his father was brought up all of a sudden Jungkook had this sharp pain eating up in his stomach, and teary eyes.

" Plus Jungkook I have a surprise for you when we get their" 

"Is it a good surprise"

"Yes it's the best surprise in the world" 

" OK then if it makes you happy i'll pack" jungkook said.

 " Yay thank you Jungkook, and don't worry I promise you'll like south Korea." 
She said placing her gentle hands on her sons cheeks and giving him a kiss on His forehead.


"Can't you believe it Jungkook he got us first class tickets."

" Correction mom he got you first class tickets while i'm just the kid he had to pay for to make you happy."

His mothers face sadden at the words of her son.

" That's not true Jungkook he really likes you."

"Yea whatever" The rest of the flight jungkook put his headphones on to drain his mother out.


Jungkook was happy to be out of the airplane. "OK Jungkook you wait here, I'm gonna go ahead and get our luggage's."  His mom said with a smile

"OK" he said.

While waiting he decided to go grab some food he saw a cafe and even though he wasn't a big fan of coffee he was tired and needed something to boost his energy. " Hello sir what can I get you" the cashier said.

" Um yes could I get ahhhhh"
He quickly scanned the menu not knowing what type of coffee to get. "how about an americano please." jungkook said choosing it because it reminded me of america.

"Yes sir one americano coming right up." the cashier said punching numbers down on the cash register. "Your total will be $15.97"

Damn that's a lot of money for a cup of coffee jungkook thought, while searching for his wallet.


"Sir is there a problem." said the cashier.

"Uh yea I kinda of don't have my wallet on me at the current moment."

"then sir i'm sorry but we cant insist you."

"I know but my mom is just right around the corner she'll probab-" before jungkook could finish his sentence he was cut off.

"It's alright I'll by his coffee for him how much did you say it was agian" the boy said pulling out his wallet. " You really don't have to-"

"$15.97" the cashier said cutting jungkook off. The boy pulled out a $100 bill and handed it to the cashier "here." The cashier and Jungkooks jaws dropped at the sum of money "Keep the change" the young boy said as he walked right out of the store. 


~ok so this is my first book I hope everyone likes it. I have school tomorrow and a bunch of unfinished homework. I'm probably gonna update twice a week so Tell me what days y'all want me to update.

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