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V's POV.

I'm happy I closed the deal today with the ambassador But not as happy as I should be. something has been really bugging me. I swear I saw jungkook at Kim corporation. I know that makes know sense at all because we have top notch security and not anyone can just walk in to that building. I think I've been thinking about jungkook to much. I think maybe he's been stalking me.

But i'm too happy about the good news I can't wait to tell Yunha she must be awake by now. On the way to the hospital I grab some of  Yunha's  favorite flowers tulips and some chocolate that I think she might like. I peak at the door to she if she's awake but instead I hear arguing coming from inside her room. What is Jackson doing in there.  I put my head closer against the door to try to hear there conversation. 

"you left me in that car alone"

"I mean what did you expect me to do if I had got caught with liquor in my system I would have to go to jail again, and it's not my fault you can't pay attention to the road"

"you asked me to marry you what the heck"

"Well that's because i'm tired of keeping us a secret. I haven't been able to talk to V knowing that i'm seeing every other day"

"Why don't you just break up with him?"

"because V and I are on the same level when it comes to looks and plus he's really rich. did you know he willingly offered to pay for all of my hospital bill."

"I don't care what he offered to do if you like him so much then why are you using me."

"uggh your so stupid I like you"

"if you like me then why can't we just be together and forget about V"

"Because I need V. Rumors been going around that Mr. Kim is soon going to retire and give all of the business to V. That means soon V will become one of the richest men in all of Asia and I have to be apart of that."

"But why?"

"Because once he becomes the owner of Kim corporations then were going to get married and when everyone least expects it your going to murder him. and I will be the legal owner of his company and his money, and that's when you and I can get married and live happily ever after."

"wow that's a smart plan"

"I know so stop being a big baby and leave before V gets back"

"No need to I already heard everything" I say opening the door.

"V your back so soon"

"shut up Yunha I don't want to hear any of your bull crap, and Jackson really I expected more from you"

"well honestly i'm glad you found out. You don't know how it feels to be your best friend I was always in the shadows while you were in the spotlight. Back when we were in school you were always smarter than me, more athletic than me, and most importantly you had way more money than me. Just because your little daddy owns a huge business company your life gets to be amazing"

"I never knew you felt that way but that still doesn't give you the right to try to marry my now ex girlfriend and make plans to kill me." the hospital was filled with silence. "Well these where supposed to be a little gift to celebrate my closing of a huge business deal but instead just think of it as a wedding gift I hope you both are happy." 

I got in my car and drove away wow way to ruin a great mood. I check my phone and its 1:33 am, I wonder if Jungkook is up right now. oh I forgot I think he may be stalking me. I probably shouldn't call my stalker up in the middle of the night. Dang and I thought he was kind of cute guess I can't trust anybody these days.  I guess i'll just go home and sleep it off. 

I mad sure to be extra careful not to wake anyone. I took of my shoes off and headed up stairs. I got in bed and tried to take in everything that just happened. For some reason I wasn't really upset. I love Yunha because I've known her since we were 7 but I've never really been in love with Yunha. I don't know what it is but I'm just not sexually attracted to her. I mean she's beautiful don't get me wrong but I guess my body doesn't think sh'e beautiful.

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