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Jungkooks POV.

"Keep the change" the boy said as he walked right out of the door.

He was about my height and looked about my age. With brown hair and green Eyes, and I had to admit he was pretty cute.

I instantly grabbed the coffee and rushed out to thank him for paying for me. "Hey" I said tapping his shoulder.

"Yes" he turned in my direction.

"Um thanks for the coffee you didn't have to pay for me."

"Oh no don't worry it was nothing."

"So what are you doing at the airport anyways" I asked in curiosity.

"I'm waiting for my new step mom and step brother to arrive. What about you?"

"Well my mom thought it would be cool to move us here from america so she can get married to some boring guy with a boring life that has nothing better to do than prey on single women" I had said in frustration.

"Danm seems like you got it rough."

"Yea but its whatever" I said trying not to care. "Hey what's your name anyways."

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" he said.

"Oh well Kim Taehyung my name is jungkook, jeon jungkook"

"Well You don't have to call me taehyung most people just call me V."

"Well V nice to me you"

Me and V talked for a while and he seems to be a really awesome guy. We even exchanged numbers with each other.

Out of nowhere v phone rang. He checked his phone and there was some girl on the screen "Uh I'm sorry but I kinda have to take this."

"Oh don't worry its fine"

"Hey what's up, wait what when". all of a sudden he had this worried look on his face. "Im on my way now"

"I'm sorry jungkook but I have to go it was nice meeting you" and with that he just started running out the airport.

I wonder what's gonna happen to his stepmom and step brother that he was supposed to pick up. Wow I feel kinda bad for them glad that's not me.

I noticed that my mom still hadn't came back yet. I scanned the airport and saw she was all the way at the escalators struggling to lift our bags, so I automatically ran to help.

"Mom if you needed help why didn't you just call me" I said while taking all the luggage's from her.

"Sweety you really don't have to take all the luggages I can still carry a few." She said out of breath.

"Mom I could hear you panting from the side of the airport" I joked with her.

"So by any chance did you meet anybody new."

"Um yea some guy who paid for my coffee"

"Was that the only new person you saw"

"Yea why?"

"Are you sure you didn't meet any body else"

"yes mother I'm sure, why do you keep asking me this"

"Because your surprise was supposed to be here"

"Well my mom sorry to tell you but its not here. What's the surprise anyways."

"I can't tell you its a secret till you see it"

"Ok mom let's just go grab a taxi and go to his house"

"Thats the problem I dont exactly know where his house is."

"Are you serious"

"Dont worry I'll just call him." My mom gave him a call and it wasn't long before she walked back towards me.
"ok Jung kook he can't pick us up, bit its alright because he sent one of his private bodyguards to come and pick us up"


The ride to his house only took like two to three hours before we arrived.

I stepped into the house and damn it was huge this is probably one of the biggest houses I've ever seen.

Before I could move the door opened again and it was HIM  my soon to be step dad. He took off his shoes and placed them next to mine.

"So Jungkook how do you like your new home."

Uggghhh not this idiot who actually thinks he can take the place of my real father.


Ok so sorry guys but I really didn't know where to end the chapter so I'm just gonna end it like this because why not.
Ok so bye see y'all in the next chapter.

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