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V's POV.

I met this new guy named Jungkook and he seemed really interesting. We talked for a while. When all of a sudden I get a call from my girlfriend saying that she's in the hospital. So I quickly rushed down there to see if she was OK. 

"Sorry but I need to go it's an emergency." I say to jungkook before storming out.  I then head to the hospital it took around an hour and a half.

"What happen to you."I ask scanning her wounded body from head to toe. 

"I got in a car accident"


"I was texting and driving and next thing I know the car swerved and hit a tree."

"Yunha you know texting and driving is bad"

"I know, I know< but I only took my eyes off the road for like two seconds."

"It's OK I'm just glad your safe now." I rest both my hands on hers, and give her a peck on the lips. 

Yunha's POV.

As V's hands touched mine I felt guilty knowing I had just lied. I had just come back from a party with Jackson one of V's close friends. Me and Jackson were both drunk, but just had popped way more shots than me, so I decided to drive us home. 

You see I like both V and Jackson but I just don't know who I want more so why not just have both. V is rich and sweet, but Jackson's hot and wild. That's why I decided to make V my boyfriend and Jackson my side piece. 

But in the car that night Jackson did something unbelievable.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FLASHBACK| IN CAR


"Yes, Jackson"

"I wanna stop keeping us a secret" he then rest his hands on my thigh." I wanna tell the world about us including V."

I then take one hand off the steering wheel to then shove both of his hands off my thigh. "Jackson shut up and try to come back to reality. "

Jackson placed one hand on my thigh this time, and the other in his pocket. "Yunha your the first and last thing on my mind each and every day, my worlds not complete without you in it. I need you in my life because I love you." He then paused "Do you love me?"

" Yea sure whatever" I say not making eye contact.

He then pulls out the hand that was in his pocket. "Then will you do me the honors and marry me."

Shocked by his words I look him dead in the eyes not believing this idiot would actually say something like that. " Are you crazy."  I yelled at him. He had looked at me like he had expected a different reaction out of me. 

I mean what doesn't he understand he's just the side piece. Next thing I know a truck had hit us and the car had swerved into a tree.

Before I thought it couldn't get any worst a tree branch crashes into my window and the glass shatters all over my leg. Blood then starts to gush rapidly.

"Jackson help please!"  I called Jackson's name but he was fixed on the blood rushing out through my leg. His face then turned pale and he looked like he was about to vomit. To my luck, unfortunately he took my $2,000 Coach bag that V had gotten me for my 20 birthday ,and threw up in it.

Wow what a real man. "Jackson could you grow some balls for like 5 seconds and helped me out here". Jackson then started looking around the car like he was searching for something.

He got the ring that must have fell when we he the tree, and put it in his pocket.

"Jackson any day now," he finally moved but it didn't seem like he was coming to help me. He then opened the car door and ran. I couldn't believe my eyN he legit just ditched me.

My leg still hurts like hell and my breathing becomes faint. All of a sudden everything looks blurry and faded. My leg then becomes numb this must be the end for me. Wow I didn't expect things to end like this.

My eye lids then grow heavy, bit before they shut I hear sirens and they seem to be coming in my direction.

Then when I woke I found myself on a hospital bed.


Ok so sorry for the late chapter. I decided to add more POV. Then just Jungkook and we just finish testing so I've been having a lot more to to write. When I get 5 votes I'll upload the next chapter.

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