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After eating my two ice creams and watching taehyung get zero we headed down to the store where I would be getting my school uniforms. "You must be Jungkook." A guy with painted pink fingernails and red stiletto heels said to me.

"Yea," I said with my hand out ready to shake his.

"Oh no boo boo we don't shake hands here only hugs and kisses" he said giving me a tight hug and then kissing both sides of my cheeks, and then doing the same to both my parents and V. "So Jungkook's cloths are this way." he said guiding us to my clothes.

He already had clothes ready for me which was kind of weird because I have never seen this guy in my life. "Um I don't think these are mine, I haven't even tried anything on yet."

He laughed at me. "Jungkook you never told me you're so funny."

I looked at him oddly. "Because I wasn't trying to be funny." I answered.

He looked back at me after laughing. "Jungkook I'm a fashion designer it's my job to know the clients before the clients know me." Okay now he started to make sense.

Hold these he said handing me my clothes as he lead me to a dressing room.

I walk in the dressing room with my clothes but for some reason the designer walked in with me."oh it's okay I can get dressed by myself."

He laughed again. "Jungkook when your with me we get dressed together." Before I could say no or stop him. He was already undressing me. It's not that I had a problem with him undressing me it's just that I wasn't exactly comfortable in my own skin. And I surly wasn't comfortable enough to let someone else see it.

A little while later we walked out of the dressing room. " So as you all can see it fits perfectly," he said showing me off. "I'm going to have to tailor the sleeves to his sweater, it seems that Jungkooks muscles are bigger than I thought." He said with a giggle.

"Aww Jungkook you ALMOST  look  CLOSE TO HALF as good as me when I was in high school." He said while pinching my cheeks. I'm not sure if what he said was giving me a compliment of offending me but I didn't really care.

We went home and my mother asked me to hand her my school uniform so she could put them up for me." Mom it's fine I can do it."

"I know Jungkook but you still have your cast on, and I really don't want you to drop them."

"Lies," V chimed in, "She thinks your gonna ruin them. Because you don't want to go to school."

"Okay well, so what we spent alot of money on these clothes and I don't want them to accidentally be put in a pit of fire right before your first day of school, Jungkook." Aww man, how did she know that I was gonna burn them all. I guess my plans are ruined." So i'm making sure to take all precautions by locking them up in our family safe with the rest of our Treasures."

"Oh well that's true I probably was gonna burn them," I confess and hand her my clothes.

"V come help me put some of these clothes up and call your father to help put some clothes up to"

As they went up to the safe. I turned around to see the butler pressed up against the wall, with one ear poking out. I believe he was eavesdropping on our conversation. I hope he didn't over hear anything about our secret family safe. I seriously didn't trust that guy. So I went up stairs to my parents room to tell V that the butler's trying to kill everybody, and we should probably think about firing him.

I was just abut to open the door until I heard my name. "I think we should tell Jungkook." I heard my mother say. Tell me what I put my ear closer to the door so I could hear a little clearer.

"No we can't he would be completely hurt."

"I know but I hate lying to him, and I don't believe my acting was that convincing. He maybe on to us."

"We should just make up another lie to throw him off." Jay chimed in.

I can't believe they were all still lying to me and they didn't even plan on telling me the truth.
______________________________________Sorry for the late chapter but school started last week so it's been kind of hard to post. I'm going to try to post at least twice a week. And I know this probably sound dumb because I can barely keep up with this book but I'm thinking about starting a new book I'm gonna post the first chapter sometime this week or next week. Thank for reading ❤️❤️

 Thank for reading ❤️❤️

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