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V let himself into my room without permission but I didn't say anything because I was just in his room yesterday.

"V I really don't want to be disturbed please leave"

"Nope" He says eyeing my room and touching my stuff. Without my permission.

"Why not?"

"Because mom and dad already payed me $200 bucks cash to bring you out of your room and come cheer you up."

"Wow so now my emotions are worth only worth $200 this is just great."

"Yup it really is" he said with a smile of joy plastered on his face. "So are you ready to talk about your feelings. 

His words sounded just like my therapist "I guess my mom already told you, huh"

"told me what?"

"About how I've been going through therapy my whole life."

"Nope not at all" V said standing awkwardly in the middle of my room.

Since my mom didn't tell him I guess he must go to therapy to. "Who's your therapist" I asked curiously. 

"What do you mean I don't go to therapy"

"Oh" For some reason I felt sad when V said that he didn't go to therapy. It made me feel like I was the only one again. 

"Only sociopaths and psychos go to therapy everybody knows that" A deep part of my heart was hurt by his words. He then turned to me and I knew he could tell by my reaction that he knew he had hurt me. "By the way no offence" He pretended like everything was ok and fist bumped my shoulder.

But I was already offended. I was highly offended. I was tremendously offended. I guess I couldn't tell V that, "None Taken" I sat on my bed and put my head down.

"But you know jungkook since your already a stalker that means your also half psychotic" I raised my head again in shock.

"What are you serious I never stalked you and i'm not psychotic at all."

V shook his head and crossed his arms"Jungkook why must you be so in denial of the truth you won't make any progress this way"

"V I really dont have time for you to bug me"

"Well if I don't bug you who will" V set his hand on my thighs oh no not this again.

I quickly moved his hand away " V I'm serious"

"Jungkook" he then leaned in closer "so am I"

He slammed his lips with mine and I felt an instant rush run through my body.

This is isn't right I tried to tell him but it was kind of hard with his lips in the way of mine. So I tried pushing him off of me but I guess he realized what I was doing.

V instantly got on top of me and made it difficult for me to move my body now I had now way of getting him off of me. He then shoved his tongue in mine. I wanted to push him off and tell him that he was insane and that I was his stepbrother for God sakes. But for some reason my body wouldn't let me anymore all it was concerned about was V. And how his hands caressed me Perfectly and every kiss he gave me was like a spark of electricity.

I then found myself enjoying this moment more than I thought I would. I'm not sure if its because V is my stepbrother but this kiss was better than Any other kiss I've ever had in my whole life.

V then broke the kiss and pulled my hair back. It hurt like hell and I was crying on the inside, but if all the porn stars could handle the pain. I could to.

"You like that don't you." He said

"Yes" Oh damn it I swear I meant no but said yes. V eyes then got dark and he had a joker like smile plastered on his face.
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