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Jungkook Pov.

We hop into the limousine and buckle our seat belts. "Here you go Leon" I say handing him the double chunky fudge swirl ice cream he had asked for.

"Awww thanks jungkook I thought I was gonna die of a heat stroke out here."

"your welcome" we arrive at this super huge building with a sign up top that said Kim corporations . We quickly headed inside where some guy ran up to jay and handed him a coffee he had a lot of papers in his hand and I guess he was trying to explain them all to Jay. I think he must have been Jay's secretary.

" The presentation is about to start in 15 minutes and Mr. Taehyung isn't here yet "

" If he doesn't make it in time stall them till he gets here"

"okay and it has been confirmed that the ambassadors flight has just landed so he will be arriving shortly"

"When He arrives I want to be the first to greet him"

"And we still need you to do an interview with Asia's Top 100 sexiest and richest men"

"okay i'll do the interview Wednesday, but please tell them to keep all questions clean and appropriate I hate being asked questions like how big is my you-know-what "

"okay i'll email them about that, we also need you to sign some papers for-"

For some reason he just stops everything he is doing and stares blankly at Jay in the elevator

"OMO" he says in shock."what are you wearing, I've never seen anything like that on you before, and what's up with your face you look like your 10 years younger, and most of all who's this kid and why has he been following us."

"Um... I'll explain this all later"

As we walked out the elevator a bunch of girls kept eyeing Jay. They kept talking about how fine his body looked. It was quit disgusting.

"So what am I supposed to do" I asked when we reached his office.

"Well you could look around a bit." Look around where I thought to myself. Ohh I could go check out my new stepbrothers Office. I grabbed Jay's key which can open every single door in this building. I had to give it back to him when I was done though.

I find his office it was so cool he had a bunch of toys and fun games and an Xbox. His office was definitely different from every other office in the building. His chair was bright yellow with blue and pink poke-a-dots. I can tell my stepbrother definitely has an eye for fashion. I do't know why but for some reason his name sounds so familiar Kim Taehyung I know I've heard it before I just don't know where. I guess I'm just going crazy.

I know looking through my step bothers work office might be a little weird but i'm just trying to get a better understanding of who he is and if i'm gonna like him or not. So technically this is all okay. I try to convince my self while opening cabinets and looking through folders. Ohh maybe if I sit on his chair I would be able to get a better understanding of him.

I close his blinds and lock the door to make sure know one can see me or be able to come in. then scurry to the chair for better inspection. while spinning in the chair I notice a picture of V. What is that doing here does V maybe know Kim Taehyung. Oh no. My head started to pounding and I started to get dizzy. This can't be what I think it is everything starts coming back to me and all the facts start to lay out in my head.V was at the airport the same day I was supposed to meet my step brother, and we just so happen to live in the same neighborhood.

"Omg V is my stepbrother" I couldn't believe this was really happening to me. All of a sudden I hear somebody trying to open the door I quickly run to a storage cabinet and hide in it. who could be trying so hard to open the door.

"Why is my door locked" I hear a voice from outside oh know it's V. How am I supposed to explain being in his office, and how am I supposed to explain being his stepbrother This isn't looking to good for me at all.

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