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Jungkook POV.

"Jung kook where have you been your stepdad has been looking for you all night long." She says rushing towards me from the couch. "Have you eaten? Are you hungry? Did you get hurt anywhere?" she then bombarded me with questions.

"No mom i'm fine I ate"

 I felt guilty knowing that I was the reason for my mothers worry. "Mom i'm sorry for making you worry about me, i'm sorry for yelling at the both of you, and i'm sorry for being such a buzzkill through this entire trip, and I promise i'll be more positive and make sure not to ruin anything else for you." I say in all sincerity.

My mothers face then eased up and I could see a light smile trying to make it's way up onto her face. " Well good but your still going to have to get a punishment for walking out like that." She said trying to be as serious as possible.

"Awwww" I put my best pouty face on.

"Well since you said you already ate," she started " No dinner for you tonight. you have to go straight to bed and think about your actions young man."She ended with a slight giggle and I couldn't help but to giggle to.

 I then left to find my room and holey moley this mansion was huge I couldn't even find my room.  All of a sudden a strange man had appeared "Master Jeon would you like assistance finding your room." I think he must have been some kind of extra help in the house.

"uh yea." He kind of creeped me out though. I mean how did he even know my name, or that I needed help.

When he led me to my room I quickly locked the door. a glance around the room that was twice as big as my room back in america. I noticed all my belongings from my luggage were already packed.  I looked in the closet and each of my clothes were hanged. Even my pants, sock, and boxers where neatly folded and placed in my drawers. I was so tired from this night I decided to sleep it off.


"Jungkook wake up." My mom yelled while Banging On the door.

I wonder what v is doing I thought. Is he being forced to wake up like me. Probably not. He's probably on the beach eating grapes and watching the sun rise, or he's on a private island riding his pet jumanji. I wonder if he's thinking bout me.

"No stop jungkook thats weird." I say shaking my head coming back into reality. I could still here my mom banging on the door. "Ugghhh."

"Thats it young man I'm coming in." At my mothers sudden words I quickly jumped up.the door opened by the creepy butler I had saw last night and my mom behind him.

"Jungkook I was calling your name why didn't you respond."

"Sorry mom I was in a very interesting dream."

"Well get up and get ready." She said because your step dad has a stepfather/stepson day planned for you guys.

The word stepdad still made me cringe, but I had just thought of seeing V again.

"Stepdad/stepson day does that even exist."

"Yes it does" my mother said unsure, "well I think it does."

"Well I think I'm not going."

"come on Jungkook he wants to take you out and show you some of south Korea so you won't be so bored just sitting on this house all day long." My mother Said. "By the way where did you go last night?"

"Umm nowhere I just wondered around a bit, got lost then decided to come back that's all." I decided not to tell my mom about V yet.

She could sense that I was lying to her because of how nervous I sounded answering. But she just shrugged her shoulders and shook it off. " Hurry up and get ready your step dad a waiting downstairs."

"But mom-"

"That's final jungkook" She said as she exited the room the creepy butler left with her.

I eventually got out of bed, brushed my teeth took my shower, then headed to my closet to get ready.


[ Yay I'm so happy I could finally get around to publishing my next part.

Sorry I haven't published in a while I was busy with school but now that its summer . Expect a lot of better, and more frequent chapters from me. ]

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