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"mom wheres V"

"Jungkook you just got up maybe it's best if we leave you alone to get some rest before you get released"

before I could object they were all out the door. What happened to V. I won't do anything else until I know he safe for sure.

A couple hours later the nurse and my parents walked in." So Jungkook are you ready to be released with your new leg cast" Nurse Lee asked.

" Mom where's V"

"Jungkook don't be rude to the nurse she just asked you a question"

"I don't care about her question where's V is he alright"

my parents looked back at each other before responding." Well V got hurt a little bit but he's fine now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes jungkook we're sure"

"I want to see him"

"You can see him back at the house but jungkook we want you to be focused on getting better"

My mom and leon helped me into the car. while Jay stayed back to go get V and my crutches



My dad and Nurse Lee walked in. "So V are you ready to be released today" Nurse Lee asked

"Dad wheres Jungkook is he alright did it work."

"Taehyung you shouldn't be rude the nurse asked you a question"

"Okay i'm sorry" I turned to the nurse and put my most fakest smile on " Yes ma'am I'm ready t be released today" Then looked back at my dad. "Now dad could you please tell me what happened to Jungkook"

"Taehyung calm down everything went perfectly he's done with his surgery and has just been released and he's on his way home with your mom, and leon"

"What why shouldn't they let him stay a few days to make sure his body heals."

"They offered but jungkook insistead in leaving today. he really wanted to see you."

"But that's just stupid "

"V your one to talk after what just happened to you."

"But that's different I don't need the extra rest he does, and did anybody tell him about what happened to me"

"No we kept it a secret just like you asked"

"Okay good I don't want him to know that I gave him my kidney"

Jungkook's POV.

When we pulled up in the driveway there was a girl at the door?

"Who's that" I asked

"Oh that's Yunha " Leon said


"Yea she's V girlfriend there like the cutest couple in the whole world"

"Wow I knew V had a girlfriend but I never knew she was so gorgeous" my mom said. "Jungkook don't you agree?"

All of a sudden I got sad "Yea I guess she's really pretty"

"She had got in a car accident a while a go and V spent all of his time with her they are so in love know one can split those two love birds apart."

My mom decided to invite her in the house. So I could get to know her even though I didn't want to get to know her.

"Is V here"she asked me


"you must be his stepbrother"


"What's your name?"


"Jungkook wow he's mentioned you alot"


"Yea he would talk about you like 24/7 I swear sometimes I think he liked you more than me." She giggled "what happened to your leg"

"Oh I accidentally fell down the stairs"

"Wow I hurt my leg pretty bad when I was in a car accident. "

She had beautiful long black hair and her smile was pretty I could definitely see why V's in love with her. But there was something strange about her she seemed a like she was hiding something.

While we were talking a car pulled up in the driveway. "That must be V" She said as she ran to him.

I didn't know if I should say hey to V or hide so I decided to hide.

I could hear V yelling from outside oh no maybe he was looking for me again I tried to run up the stairs as fast as I could without hurting myself. I heard the knob twisting I ran into the closest room I could find. "WE WILL NEVER BE FRIENDS AGAIN I HATE YOU" I heard him slam the door. Why is he so mad at me? What did I do? And does he really have to yell how much he hates me to the whole world.

Im glad I'm safe in this extra room we have upstairs. "Oh no oh no oh no this is not an extra room. This is V's room."

"_______________________________________________________________THANKS FOR READING ❤❤

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