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Jungkook's POV.

We had arrived. I believe the restaurant  must have been a  five star restaurant. (Not that I've ever been to one before, but i imagine this is what it would be like.) 

We had sat down at our two persons table. The seats were nice and comfy.  The napkins were nicely folded in some design with our spoon and chopsticks tucked right inside. Sitting on the center of the table was a fine bottle of champagne in some ice, and a small bokay of blue lilies. That matched the theme of the restaurant. 

"Is this a 5 star restaurant?" I say intrigued   "Because it feels like a 5 star restaurant."

"Yeah why you ask?"

"No reason" I say kind of proud of myself

He shrugged his shoulders and looked back at his menu, until the waitress came."Are you two gentlemen ready to order." 

V ordered first and I followed after. "Would that be all" the waitress said.

" Um no could I get a large glass of orange soda." As i say this V's eyes turn from the waitress and onto me. 

"Orange soda coming right up" the waitress then leaves.

" Why don't you drink?" V said to me.

I then got hot . I didn't want him to know that I'm underage. "I'm not a big fan of alcohol." 

He nodded his head in agreement. " That makes sense I guess."

I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. It's not that I wanted to lie to him it's just that V seems like a really chill person, he's really rich , and he just so happens to be the only person I know in South Korea other than my supposed step dad.  So I don't want him to think of me as some child.

"Here's your food" the waitress said carrying the tons we had ordered. 

The food was good and the night was fun we talked about the our lives. He told me  he has a stepbrother who doesn't know he exist yet and he was supposed to surprise him for the first time at the airport but his girlfriend had gotten into a car accident. So he's gonna be at the hospital caring for her till she gets released. 

"So it's kind of getting late would you like for me to take you home now." He said grabbing the paycheck.  

Talking with him had made me forget about everything that had happen previously so there so there was no reason for me  not to go back I thought.

"Yea sure " I thought

We had gotten in the car " So what's your address he said powering on his GPS.

"Um I don't exactly no" I said buckling my seat belt, "but I do remember the way I ran so I could just direct you."


"Now make a right at the next two stops signs" I say directing him.

"Omo I live in the same neighborhood."

"Wow really" I can't believe we live in the same neighborhood that means I can see him way more. "I just moved in today."

"Hey maybe after my girlfriend heals you, me, and my new stepbrother can hangout sometime" He says before his phone had rang. 

"Baby where are you I feel like I'm going o die" said some girl said through his cell phone.

"I'm just dropping off a friend"

"No I don't want you to drop off a friend I want you to be with me"



I think the girl on the phone may have been his girlfriend. To me she sounds selfish and she seems like an attention seeker. But than again she is in the hospital. She must be in pain and really need V by her side. Now I feel bad for eating with him when he should have been by her side.

"It's alright you should go to her I can just walk."

"Are you sure" V said

"Yeah I'm certain" I say, " My house is just down the street anyways." We said our goodbyes then I got out the car and walked all the way home. Dang this neighborhood sure was big though. After walking mansion after mansion  finally reached mine.

Knowing that V lived somewhere in this neighborhood put a smile on my face. I wonder which house is his. 


OK so I stalled a lot with the whole 5 star restaurant part because I honestly didn't know what to write. I hope it didn't seem to obvious. We started testing at school and I'm trying to write and study at the same time but it's not going as planned. I still hope ya'll enjoyed the chapter.

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