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Yesterday was a really hectic day for me. What does that butler even want anyways. Was he right about V. Lately ever since I came out the hospital V and everyone else have been acting pretty weird like they know something I don't.  I'll just ask V about it just to make sure but I bet it's probably nothing though. 

I knocked on the door to see if V was awake. "Come in." And to my surprise he actually was. He was at his desk working on business stuff. "Oh hey jungkook I'm really sorry about yesterday I didn't mean to get you in trouble."

"It's okay I got out of having to get registered for school so that's a good thing." I was a little hesitant to ask V if he was hiding anything from me. I mean what if he really was he would be breaking our promise. when I got out of the hospital V and I promised we wouldn't keep anymore secrets from each other so neither of us would end up getting injured no more. Even though it's only been me getting injured so far. "Um V could I ask you something. 

"Shoot" V said giving me all of his attention.

I probably shouldn't ask him so directly, "Do you maybe know what mom was talking about yesterday?"

"No why?" His face hardened at the question. He could tell that I could tell that he wasn't telling me the truth. "I mean to be honest I kind of forgot what she said anyways" He said with a fake chuckle, but I could see right through him.

"She said how could I do such a thing especially after V gave you, and then you cut her off." For some reason he had looked surprised that I had remembered  all of it.

"Jungkook you honestly shouldn't think to much about it it's nothing I promise.

Wow so V just lied to me straight to my face. "Oh Okay." I mean how could he promise  me when he's not being honest with me.

My mom then walked into the room."Jungkook what are you doing here" she seemed surprised to see me. In her hand was a first aid kit and some prescribed pills. 

"Just talking to V what are you doing here?" The pill bottle she was holding looked like the ones the doctor had prescribed me when I was leaving the hospital it even had my name on it, but the actual pills inside where way different from the ones I took.

"Um. Well. Uhh I was actually looking for you." My mom was probably the worst liar in the galaxy.

"Oh really what for?"

"I wanted to let you know that we're registering you for school today"

"You just wanted to let me know that your registering me for school at 3:09 a.m."

"No I uhh actually wanted to tell​ you not to oversleep because we're leaving early"

Why is she lying to me this makes no sense at all. "What's the first aid kit for"

"Um. Well. Uhh I found it on the front porch and brought it inside."

Was she for real right now I hope she didn't actually think I believed that. "What about the pills they look prescribed who are they for?"

Now she has to tell me the truth she can't lie about prescribed pills. "There for me." Or maybe she can. "You know what I don't want to interrupt you and V so I'll just go back to sleep now. My mom left and V and I were alone again.

"Wow" v said, "what was that for you practical interrogated her."

"Well she looked like she was lying
Not all her story added up."

"Not all her story added up Jungkook what are you talking about"

"You know what V lately you look like you've been lying to."

"what do yo mean"

"I think you know exactly what I mean I think everybody knows what I mean but nobody wants to tell me."

"Jungkook I think its time for you to leave"

"Whatever I don't want to be in here anyways"

I left V's room and headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water before bed. Looks let everyone is really keeping secrets from me.

"Doesn't it suck being lied to" an unfortunately fimilaur and creepy voice whispered in my ear.

I jumped from shock almost spilling my water and turned around to find no other than the creepy butler. "Why  am I not surprised."

"V lied to you again didn't he"

"How do you know" I asked " Do you read minds or something."


"For real"

"Nah I'm just lying to you. I was eavesdropping in your entire conversation with V upstairs.

"You know this is why people think your creepy."

He changed the subject probably denying the Truth and went back to V. "He lied to you again though didn't he I told you I was right."

"So what's your point"

"We should join forces and take down V, his entire family except you of course, and rob Kim Corporations. Leaving the with nothing so they can be stranded and alone with nowhere to go just like I was."

"So what your saying is you want me to help you take down my family, steal there only source of income, and rob one of the biggest and most richest buildings in all of south Korea, and then live Happily ever after with you for the rest of my life."

"Yea pretty much"

"You know what I can't believe I'm saying this but that's actually not a bad idea. I think your creepy ways are rubbing off on me."


"HELL NO!!! If you dare try to hurt V or my family I will murder, cut you into pieces, grill you like steak, than feed your pieces to chinchillas.
_______Thanks for Reading❤❤ this is my last update till July 28. Sorry😭😭


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