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"Mr. Jung can you please go tell a janitor to come and open my office door for some reason it seems to be locked"

"Oh yes of course Mr. Tae" 

Well I guess I'm about to get caught this must be it for me. Maybe he'll understand if I just explain everything or maybe he already knows and me being in his office won't be a surprise at all. I can start to hear the door unlocking and then it opens. my stomach curls up in a knot and I feel like throwing up.

"Hurry up Tae the chair board committee has arrived and  your father is greeting the Chinese ambassador now everybody there but you."

"I know I know I just need to find my flash drive"

By accident I moved my foot and it hit the cabinet door.

"what was that" V stopped everything and turned around to the cabinet. I thought that he might be able to see me so I tried to move as far back as possible but when I stepped my foot down the cabinet creaked. V then squinted his eyes at the cabinet and did not hesitate to move forward he lays his hand on the door knob opening it slowly. Damn my life is over.

"And this is my son Kim Taehyung " Jay says walking in with some old guy. V quickly lets go of the door and bows at the old man. "Taehyung this is the Chinese ambassador he's been waiting to meet you but for some reason you still haven't showed up in the presentation room."

"Oh my bad I was looking for my flash drive. but I found it know."

"Kids these days so unprepared." the ambassador said. They all started laughing as they exited the room. I quickly got out of the cabinet and stretched. Wow I can't believe I didn't get caught I am so lucky. all of a sudden I hear someone running so I rush down under the desk table. 

It's V again he quickly runs in and opens the cabinet door . "I swear someone was in here. I guess it must just be my imagination." Them he walks out again.

Wow I must have some good luck that was pretty close. I went to the presentation room and looked through the window. I could hear and see everything clearly. Everyone took there seats and watched V present. I've never seen him in his working mode he looked very strong and confident I have a good feeling he's gonna close the deal.

After he was done everyone was cheering for him and I couldn't help but to cheer to. "Yay go V you can do it."  His eyes made there way over to me. Was I that loud. I ducked down so he wouldn't be able to see me. Maybe he didn't even see me the first time and i'm overreacting I peeked my head out just to make sure. And there his eyes were fixed on me. I ducked my head back down again.

"Okay so he definitely saw me." I didn't know what else to do so I used my humanly instincts and crawled out the building like a dog. Yup I am so smart. I found our limousine and went inside.

"Um Jungkook are you alright"

"Yea i'm perfectly fine why do you ask?"

"Well not to be rude but I don't think perfectly fine people crawl out of buildings"

"It's a long story "

"I've got all the time in the world" He said as he started up the engine to take me home. 

 Not long after we soon arrived . "Well thanks for listening Leon"

"No problem"

I rang the door bell and waited for somebody to open it. Oh shoot it was the creepy butler.

"Mom" I called but there was no response." Mom I'm home." I called again while taking my shoes off.

"Your mother went with some neighbors to go get some planting materials." 

"Um okay" I said as I turned to head upstairs, before I was stopped.

"You know  Mr. Jung i'm not a bad person" He says putting his hand on my shoulder

"I know it's just sometimes you can act a little creepy." I say taking his hand off my shoulder.

"well how would you like me to act around you, Mr. Jung"

"well for starters you don't have to call me Mr. Jung everybody calls me jungkook, and you don't have to talk so upscale just talk normally"


"And you don't have to use formal language"

"well thank you for the advice, would you like anything to eat."

" Yea could I get an ice cream sundae"

"what's that?"

I gasped at his words "your not serious are you" his face was blank like he didn't know what he did wrong. 

"I'm not quit sure what I did"

"You did everything how can you not no what  a ice cream sundae is." I grab his hand and walk him to the kitchen. "I'm gonna have to teach you how to make the greatest dessert in the world."

After making sundaes I went to my room and laid down for a a bit. Wondering how I Was going to tell V.

Later on I heard on I heard the door bell ring.  I ran down stairs to get it but it seems the butler beat me to it.  It was my mom and Jay followed after.

"Hey mom hey Jay"

"Hey jungkook" they said in unison while taking there shoes off.

"Jungkook why did you leave so early you mist all of Taehyung's presentation I thought you were really excited to see him."

" I was but I got Sick and started throwing up in the bathroom and my stomach started to hurt." I lied.

"Oh well are you alright do you need some medicine or to see a doctor."

"No its ok I took some medicine earlier and I seem to be fine now." I lied again.

"Well it looks like you guys did a lot of shopping" my mom said eyeing the bags of clothes and makeup that me and Jay bought."

She pulls one out of the bag " Jungkook don't you think this is  a little to big for  you"

Me and Jay look at each other and smile. "Mom its not for me."

"What do you mean" my mom turns to Jay. "Oh my goodness Jay you- you look"

I helped mom finish her sentence."sexy, fine , gorgeous, handsome"

"No you look just like jungkook" my mom said still stunned. I'm surprise I thought out of all people my mom would love Jay's new look but I guess not.

"All day long I've been getting compliments on how cool I look and younger" Jay said " even the Chinese ambassador said he's going to fire his stylist and start getting some tips from me."

"Wow I told you everybody would love it"

"Its not that I hate it its just your dressing like my son now and your makeup looks better than mine" my mom could be so extra some times.

The butler then walked into the living room. "Dinner is ready." we all sat down to it talked about our days. Mom had fun with some of our neighbors and me and jay had fun to. Everything was good and mom also decided to except Jay's new fashion but she said that he had to give her all the makeup because she can't have him looking younger than her. We all laughed.

After dinner I headed upstairs to get ready for bed. My mom walked into my room

"Oh hey mom"

"thank you jungkook for giving jay a chance I know how hard it must have been for you"

"Well he's actually today was really fun I think I judged him before I gave him a chance."

"I'm starting to get used to south korea"

"Me too mom"

With that she headed off to sleep and so did I.

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