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I eventually got out of bed brushed my teeth, took my shower. Then, headed to my closet to get ready.

^ this is just a picture I found on google but just imaging jungkook wearing this

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^ this is just a picture I found on google but just imaging jungkook wearing this.


I then went down stairs and saw him. He was dressed in a a fitting black suit with polished shoes. All I've ever seen him wear is suites . I bet his closet is full of just suites , I bet he probably doesn't own a t-shirt. 

"Jungkook are you ready ." he said.

"Yea I guess."

"wait wait wait" My mom interrupted as we were heading out. " Let me get a picture  of you both."

"mom" I whined.

"Don't mom me when i'm trying to make family memories," she dragged us to the living room to get better lighting as she tilted the camera in different angles and flashed it multiple times at us. "smile a little more, you both look so dull."

"Can we please go now honey." he said feeling just as uncomfortable as I was. " If we stay here forever jungkook and I wont have any time to spend together.

"ok, ok."  my mom said almost putting her weapon down, "just on more picture."

"No," we said in unison

"Pleeeaaassseee" my mom said in her high pitched voice.

Giving in easily we spent 15 more minutes taking pictures before we could walk out of the house in peace. There was a limousine parked in the front yard. I've never been in one before. Inside there was a huge flat screen TV, and some snacks and refreshments. The TV was already on and was playing highlights of a previous baseball game.

"Leon did I miss anything interesting," he says to who seems like the driver while buckling his seat belt.

"No sir, nothing major." the driver responds 

"You watch sports?" I say curious 

"Yea why?" he says eyes still glued to the TV.

"Nothing you just don't look like the type of person who watches sports. 

"Oh really" he says now facing me.

"Yea, I mean no offence but you look like you only watch news stations and golf."

"Wow." He said shocked, then continued, "I look like a golf person to you. I mean everyone knows golf is like the lamest of all sports."

With both hands to his heart "I'm sincerely hurt."He says with exaggeration which makes me chuckle a bit. 

"No I didn't mean it like that your always wearing suits, and you always look so serious."

"You know Jungkook your not the only person that's told him his personality doesn't match his appearance. I tell him that almost everyday."Leon said laughing 

"Maybe you need a makeover" I state.

"A makeover" he says completely confused.

"Yea we should go to the mall and get you a whole new wardrobe and fix you up a bit."

"I mean do you really think I need a makeover." He says fixing his tie I can tell he's unsure about my idea.

Leon and I look at each other, "Yes," we say in unison.

I put my hands on his shoulders, "Trust me your in goooood hands." I reassure him.

He then takes a deep breath and clears his throat, "Ok then, Leon change of planes take us to COEX." 

"what's COEX" I asked.

"Only one of the best malls in south Korea. Trust me your gonna love it  they have everything" Leon said.

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