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Why am I always caught in situations like these. I hid in the closet because I seem to be good at that and watched V come inside. He slammed the door "Ugh I don't understand people" 

 He threw his phone on the bed and took off his pants and a squeal seemed to escape from my lips. "You now for some one who swears there not a stalker you seem to like hiding and watching me a lot." 

I gasped did he hear me. "I mean first you hid in my office, then watched me present behind the door, and now you've manged to sneak into my room." Before my eyes the closet door swung open," hide inside my closet and watch me undress" *tsk tsk tsk* "Jungkook you really have no limits"

I got out of the closet door dropped to my knees and started to apologize and bow simultaneously."I'm sorry I didn't mean to I heard you talking about how much you hate me downstairs, and I thought you were gonna beat me up"

 "So you hid in my room to hide from me"

"I know it sounds stupid but yes" V then busted out laughing. "Why are you laughing at me?" 

"Because that does sound stupid and also because I wasn't talking about you at all"

Oh wow I can't believe I was worried for nothing.  meanwhile V was on the floor rolling around,  laughing like a maniac. I crossed my arms "your so childish"

"and your so stupid" 

Whatever I'm out of here I say exiting the room before V pulled my hands back."Wait don't go "

"Why shouldn't  I. I don't have time to stay and watch you make fun of me"

"are you alright though"

"Yea why wouldn't I be"

"I'm sorry for pushing you down the stairs"

"Oh its alright It didn't even hurt"

"But you were in a coma because of me"

"I mean it's not like you purposely meant to put me in a coma and it could be a fun story to tell my grand kids"

"But I still shouldn't have pushed you" wow I've never seen V act this way before he was putting all the blame on himself. 

"I mean i'm perfectly fine except sometimes my kidneys hurt but that's it"

"I'm really sorry Jungkook" he said for like the third time. 

"okay V i'm honestly alright" he then leaned in closer to me to the point where the tip of our noses where touching.

Was he trying to kiss me. I closed my eyes and decided to let the magic happen. His lips brushed against mine before the creepy butler intruded our space. It's time for dinner master Kim, and jungkook.  Great what perfect timing. 

"okay we'll be right down" V said trying to keep his composure. After the butler left the atmosphere had changed and everything just felt awkward. "I guess we better head down"

"Yea I guess we should" we made our way to the door were we found ourselves stuck again

"you go first"

"no you go first" Oh my we've turned into those type of people. I decided to go first to save what little bit of dignity we each had left. 

" Omo" I said in compete aww of the food that was right in front of me."Galbi, bibimbap, kimichi" some of my favorite dishes how cool.

" we thought since you were very brave at the hospital and we just wanted to dedicate tonight's diner to you" my mom said

"Wow thanks guys I don't know what the big deal is though I was only in a coma" For some reason whenever I mention the coma everyone starts acting strange I feel like there's something there not telling me.

After dinner I went upstairs and was trying to adjust to my crutches when V walked in. " Hey jungkook could we talk"

"Yea what's up"

"Um well today was kind of weird and I'm really sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable"

"you didn't"

"okay good I don't want anything to be awkward with us"

"Nothing will be awkward with us I pinky promise" I say holding out my pinky and crossing it with V's.

"Okay that's good now I can do this" Out of nowhere V dives right in and plunges his lips right on mine.

"Okay that's good now I can do this" Out of nowhere V dives right in and plunges his lips right on mine

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