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Yesterday V kissed me and I still don't know how to feel about it. I brushed my teeth and headed to the kitchen Where I saw everyone having breakfast.

"Morning jungkook how'd you sleep" my mom said adding some cubed sugar in her coffee.

"Alright" I joined them and sat down while one of the maids were preparing me a plate of pancakes and scrambled eggs.

V was seated right in front of me. I think he was pretending like the kiss never happened he didn't even look up at me once.

"Jungkook we need to find a school to register you in." My mom said now blowing her coffee.

"What do you mean mom." I said confused. "I should have like a whole month left until school starts."

"Jungkook you must be forgetting that you were in a coma for a whole month."

Oh yea I completely forgot about that. Being in a coma made one month feel like 10 minutes.

"But do I have to go to school though why can't I just be like V and do nothing." V glanced up from his food and looked at me .

"Jungkook V is the CEO of Kim Corporations."

"Okay then I want to be a CEO of a big-office-space-business-thing-that-does-really-businessy-things to. I mean how hard can it really be"

For some reason everyone laughed except for V.

"Jungkook being a CEO is a lot of hard work and plus V already graduated high school."

I took a little more time to think about it. "Maybe your right I should go to school I mean everybody knows that the first day of school is the most important."

"Jungkook the school system in Korea is different most schools have been open for avout 2 weeks now."

"WHAT!!!!!"  I yelled in complete rage. "This is not fair I can't go to school."

Jungkook it's not that big of a deal the first day of school and every other day are completely the Same. my parents tried to convince me like they knew.

"Oh my goodness its like you both want my social life to be ruined."

"Jungkook trust me I know you'll make friends besides who wouldn't want to be your friend your a little ball of joy"

"ok mom I know your not serious right know" how could they be really doing this to me. "My only friends are gonna creeps and nerds. are those really the type of people you want me to be around"

"Jungkook your overreacting its not that big of a deal"

"First impressions are everything."

"Well jungkook I'm sorry but your going to have to start school this week. If you like it or not. That's non-negotiable."

The maid set my plate down which took her forever to make. I dug right in and tried to see just how fast I could kill myself with food before I have to register for school.

"Jungkook slow down your eating to fast" My mom said

"Great I can't even eat my food as fast as I would like. Why do you guys hate me so much." V bursted out laughing and I ran upstairs to my room to avoid everyone. I slammed the door shut to let them now that I was very angry at them, and that I wouldn't like to be disturbed. Unfortunately I could still hear V laughing like a maniac.

Why is he so difficult to understand. I then heard someone knock on my door. What do they not understand about I don't want to talk to them.

"Get out" I yelled. But for some reason they still felt the need to knock. "I said get out" It was silent for a little while but then the knocking continued.

"what don't you understand about get out." I said opening the door to see who it was bothering me.

"Finally it took you forever do you know how long I've been out here one leg?"

To my luck it was V. Great.
THANKS FOR READING❤❤❤ And sorry for not updating sooner

______________________________________________________________________________________________THANKS FOR READING❤❤❤ And sorry for not updating sooner

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