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Beep Beep Beep!!! Ugh I can't believe I'm being woken up by an alarm clock. I forgot these devices even existed until this morning. I brushed my teeth and took my shower. Since they had uniforms for the first time I didn't have to worry about what I was gonna wear to school. I noticed that the mansion was quit which means I'm probably the only person up. Even though i'm usually the last person to wake up.

I headed downstairs for some breakfast nut instead found my whole family. "Surprise Jungkook," Everyone yelled. "I hope you didn't really think we would sleep on your first day of school."

"Awww thanks guys I really appreciate it."

"Um I just wanted to say I was forced to wake up against my will I don't care about anything that's happening I just want to go back to sleep."

"V," My parents said hitting him as I grabbed a banana for breakfast watching V get in trouble, instead of me put a smile on my face.

"Taehyung because you said that," this was my favorite part, the punishment. I wonder what they were gonna make v do. Wash the dishes for a whole week, now the lawn, clean my room. Ohh I hope they make him do my homework for a month. "You have to drive Jungkook to school for the rest of the school year."

"WHAT" V and I said in unison.

"You guys can't be for real, V driving me to school is like child cruelty."

"Oh yeah well driving jungkook to school is like watching someone slaughter puppies while whining like a girl."

"Mom he just called me a puppy slaughter and said I whine like a girl which is so not true because I so do not whine like a girl." I said whining like anything but a girl.

"You both need to stop arguing, you go back and fourth like tom and jerry. Think of this like a good bonding experience for the both of you."

"OMG are you serious. You want me to bond with the guy who put me in a coma and broke my leg."

"Oh wow blame everything on V"

"Because everything is your fault V."

"You said you got over me pushing you down the stairs, breaking your leg, and putting you in a coma."


"And this is why you both need morning bonding time together." My mom said stopping our argument.

I can't believe that my parents put me in a car with V. I put my book bag and crutches in the back and got in the passengers seat. I buckled my seat belt and V started the engine. We were both quite I guess V was mad about what I said to him at home. I noticed 10 minutes into driving that V didn't have his seat belt on. "You should probably put your seat belt on"He said nothing.

So at the next red light I leaned closer to him. I could feel his breath stop for a split second. His grip on the steering wheel tightened. And our faces were close. Not to close, but close enough. I reached for his seat belt but V stayed motionless, like a statue. With his eyes straight at the road.

I buckled his seat belt for him then, decided to tease a little bit. I blew in his ears, picked his nose, pinched his cheeks, I even resulted in eating him which V finds irresistible, but he didn't budge. He was madder than I thought. "V why are you being such a baby? I'm sorry so let it go." I ended up apologizing. V still didn't respond.

Honestly he was being such a baby. And people say I overreact. I decided to take matters into my hands, Literally, and tickle V. At first, he was still ignoring me but, I knew his body couldn't resist thee tickle for long.

And just as I thought he soon gave up. "Jesus Christ Jungkook i'm driving what's wrong with you" He said laughing.

I whipped out my puppy face. "What did I do I was just tickling you."

"Jungkook your making it very hard for me to be mad at you."

"Then don't be mad at me" I said as V pulled up in front of the school. I tickled him some more.

"Jungkook stop," V said, "Your just trying to get out of going to school now."

"What.No.  Of  Course Not."

"Oh yeah then leave." I grabbed the handle of the car door trying to persuade myself to leave but I just couldn't. I was already late due to The argument V and I had gotten into this morning and traffic.

My stomach started hurting as I imagined the thought of walking into my class late, all eyes on me. I couldn't let that happen. So I started to fake cough. "I think i'm sick"

"Are you sure?" V said placing the back of his hand on my forehead. "I think your right. Your temperature does seem to be kind of high"

"Really" I said excited

"No now get out of my car."

Since that didn't work I knew what I had to do. Fake a seizure. "Alright fine i'll lave if tat's what you want." I stepped out of the car, and before closing the door I fell to the ground and started shaking.

I took an acting class back in america and they taught us how to properly fake seizures. I never  really thought it would come in handy, but look at me now faking seizures like a pro.

"Jungkook," V yelled making his way towards me lifting me up and putting me in the back of his car. Yes, mission accomplished.
___________________________________________Omg I reached 1k votes I'm so happy. This truly mean a lot to me so this chapter is a kind of like a 1k votes celebration. chapter. Thanks sooo much for reading ❤️❤️

 Thanks sooo much for reading ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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