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"So do you like your new home Jungkook." If he really thinks this is my new home he's got another thing coming.

"Its whatever" I say rolling my eyes.

"Jeon Jungkook." My mother yelled at me while stomping one foot on the ground giving me that How-dare-you look.

At this point I could careless I'm sick and tired of being here, I'm sick and tired of Mr. I-wanna-be-your-step-dad-so-bad, I'm sick and tired of all of it.

"This will never be my home, you will never be my stepdad" I say pointing to him. Then I look my mother dead in the eyes." And if you really think you can just  forget about dad and start a new life with him then you might as well forget about me to."

I quickly slid on my shoes and stormed right out of the mansion. I could hear my mother calling me from a distance "Jungkook, Jungkook". I didn't stop to respond to her I just kept running at this point I wanted nothing to do with them.

It was cold outside and my hoodie was most definitely not prepared for this weather, but I couldn't go back now I was still furious.

I needed someone to cheer me up but all my friends where back in america. Luckily I remembered V. I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed his number. It rang twice there was no answer maybe he was still busy with that emergency. I wonder if his stepmom and brother ever made it to where they were going without him.

It rung for the third time. "Hello." Omg I can't believe he actually picked up the phone. What do I say now.

"Oh hey V. This is Jeon Jungkook the guy you met at the airport. " Wow Jungkook real smooth.

"Oh hey Sorry for leaving you the way I did at the airport something important had came up."

"It's alright um maybe if your not still busy w-we could ...um maybe um possibly go out and grab something to eat."

There was silence for about a whole 10 seconds.

"um hello" I said unsure if he had hung up or not feeling slightly embarrassed

"Yeah sure I would love to go out and eat with you, where should we meet up."

I sent him my location because i didn't know my way around. I took a seat on one of the cold benches , and waited for him to come.

It took around 20 minutes before he showed up. Beep beep I saw his car and boy could I say I was stunned, he drove a red 2017 Dodge Viper.

This is literally the car I've been wanting my whole life. I quickly got in. The leather seats adjusted perfectly with my body frame, and the warmth coming from the heater was enough to make me forget about the harsh winds from outside.

"Now this is something I could get used to" I whispered to myself, or so I thought.

The other chuckled, "Well I'm glad you like it."

My face turned a bright pink at his words. I put my hood over my head to cover my embarrassment.

"So where would you like to go." He asked

"You can pick it doesn't really matter." 

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I don't really know the area like that anyways" I say.

"Well there's this restaurant that serves like the best Galbi (pork or beef ribs) ever. We can go there if you want."

"OK sure." We then headed off to the restaurant. 

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