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"Uhhhggg" My body feels so weak and in pain. I tried to open my eyes but I was quickly blinded by bright lights everywhere, and for some reason I can't seem to move my right leg.

"Call a nurse I think he's awake" I feel someone hold my hands tight and whisper in my ear. "Please stay with me"

Stay with who? Stay where? Then my heart starts racing really fast. Theres alot of commotion but I can't seem to make out why. Put him on a stablelizer was the last thing I heard before everything muted out. I can't hear or see anything and the pain in my body seems to be completely gone. 

"Jungkook" I hear a voice call my name, but I don't recognize who's voice it is.

"Jungkook open your eyes and stand up" I do as am told. 

"My body doesn't hurt anymore" I look around to figure out where the voice is coming from but everything is just white. "where am I ?"

"Your at the gate" the stranger I can't see says to me.

"what gate I don't see anything everything is white?"

"you don't see the gate because your not completely gone yet" The strangers voice is calm yet angelic and the place i'm at seems to be very peaceful as well. I think i'm at a library 

"Gone from where?"


"earth!!!" Okay so i'm definitely not at the library " what do you mean by gone from earth? who are you? Show yourself"

She then appears out of thing air.  She looked beautiful and unrealistic and she had wings. I gasped.

"Are you my fairy god mother Omg am I like the male Cinderella"  

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"Are you my fairy god mother Omg am I like the male Cinderella"  

 " No young child I am your guardian angel"  

"even better do you mind if I take a selfie with you for the gram" I searched my pockets but I couldn't seem to find it. "aww man I must have forgot it or something."

"where we are jungkook there are no cell phones allowed."


"where are we by the way."

"we're in front of the gate"

"The gate to were"

" the gate to heaven"

"But I thought to go to heaven you had to be dead"

"you are dead jungkook"


"SSSSHHHHHH!!! quit you'll wake people "

"how did I die I don't understand I was living just a few minutes ago."

"Well Jungkook your not dead yet you've just been in a coma for  a month"

"how? I don't really remember anything"

"Well when V had pushed you down the stairs you had broken a bone in your right leg.  so you had to have surgery done immediately but it was to much shock for you and you fell into a coma. but it seems that you had woken up, due to kidney failure. and now your parents are looking for a kidney donor. "

She had waved her hands in the air a few times and a vision of me in an operating room had appeared."woah so that's me right now"

"yup  there opening up your chest"

"I don't wanna brag but my insides look sexy" I said feeling myself way too much.

"Jungkook this is not the place to play"

"I'm sorry. Can I go through the gate and look at what heavens like"

"Yes but first you have to give up your life on earth forever to enter the house of god"  

"Woah that seems like alot there is there another way I can enter without doing all of that"

"Well you could go back to earth and cherish your life and loved ones, and like a good little boy wait like everybody else to go to heaven"

"Fine i guess that's fair "

She gave me a hug and told me to always stay true to myself and that she loves me, then brought me back to earth.

"uggghhh"  My head hurt so bad and I feel so weak. going to heaven and back really drains the energy out of you. Now I see why people don't do it so often.

"He's awake get the nurse again"

"Jungkook can you hear me"

"Yes guardian angel is it you again"

"No this is nurse Lee  can you please open your eyes for me" 

I opened my eyes and saw nurse Lee, my parents, Leon, and the creeper butler all in front of me.

"His energy seems to be very low make sure to give him daily vitamins every day, if the pain in his chest or leg worsens after 6 hours let him start taking 2 of what the doctor ordered a day" the nurse then leaned closer to my parents "and he seems to be hallucinating this is not common in patients if you want I could recommend some good support groups"

I noticed V wasn't here was he still mad at me. 

"He can be released tonight but if you want he could just stay in the hospital for 3 extra days just to make sure his body heals."

"maybe he should stay the extra days" 

"No I want to leave tonight"

"are you sure Jungkook"

"Yes I'm positive"

"What about V" my mom said

"Well V's condition seems to be a little worse"

What are they talking "Mom where's V". My mom didn't say anything. Everybody just stayed quite.

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