Chapter 6: Remembering Shadows

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What the hell...I have WiFi I'll update. Here you go.


Chapter 6: Remembering Shadows


"Clary?" a voice asked through Clary's haze of darkness. It was as familiar as her own heart yet she couldn't place it...

Yes, she wanted to reply but her mouth felt glued shut, not able to open and speak.

Pain shot through her again and she whimpered pathetically.

She fought against every muscle that stayed taut, not allowing her to move.

She felt soft fabric being wrapped around her arm and tightened, sending a stab of pain up her arm. She moaned, trying to move her hand but it weighed like a thousand pounds.

It seem that was all she could do. Moan, whimper, groan. All she could do was make pitiful noises.

There was an ache in her chest before a stealing, calming sense of drowsiness spread across her body. She could feel that her arms were at her command again but she felt too...released and at ease to bother trying.

Totally darkness claimed her though something small and hidden inside if her told her to stay awake, keep fighting though it would hurt like hell if she did. If she went to hell if she did.

She didn't acknowledge that part and the last thing she felt before she let the darkness have her was strong arms wrapping around her and herself plunging into a abyss of light.


Jace stumbled out of the Portal, Clary heavy and limp in his arms. He had ended up in the training room instead of the infirmary; for what goddamned reason that was going through his head, he didn't know.

"Alec!" he cried, laying Clary gently on the floor. "Alec!" Jace yelled again, somehow knowing that his parabatai was at the Institute. Thank the Angel for the strong bond parabatai share.

He heard slow shuffles towards the training room and Jace knew immediately it was Alec's familiar tread he was hearing. Jace started to get annoyed.

"Alexander Gideon freaking Lightwood!" Jace yelled, taking out his stele. "You sorry excuse for a Shadowhunter, hurry the goddamned up,"

Alec appeared in the doorway a second later, looking annoyed. "What the fu—" Alec started before staring at the limp figure in Jace's arms. His mouth gasped open like a fish and closed again, his eyeballs in danger of falling out of their sockets.

"Is that Clary?!" Alec gasped, staring at the unconscious teenage girl.

Jace rolled his eyes and growled. "No, this just happens to be a random redhead that I hooked up with in London and decided to show her a bit if the Shadow World of Jace," he said, his sarcasm as cutting as knives. But she wasn't his Clary...she didn't know him or any of this crap...

"Jace, I—" Alec cut off, realizing his parabatai was being sarcastic. "That is Clary?" Alec gasped as he rushed to their side, kneeling beside the unconscious girl in his arms.

Jace didn't answer his question. Jace applied the stele to her forearm, drawing an iratze but the the rune only disappeared like it was being drawn on water. Jace then proceeded to curse so loudly and fluently in English, Latin, Spanish and Romanian that Alec flinched.

"Jace?" Alec asked after Jace had cooled off.

"Just, at the moment, help me get her into the infirmary. A bloody Ghost demon got her and the runes aren't me help her, Alec," Jace said and he could hear the desperation in his voice. With each passing moment, Jace knew that Clary slipped further and further away...

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