Chapter 21: Hell Hath No Fury

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Chapter 21: Hell Hath No Fury


Clary, once again, was awoken.

This time, by loud bangs that rang through the whole house. She glared at the ceiling, rolled over and screamed into her pillow.

"What does a girl need to do to get sleep around here?" she screamed in frustration. It probably sounded like "Whadesagirlnedtodotugetsleepaoundere?"

Another loud bang made Clary sit up in annoyance.

How thin were the walls in this house?

Clary got out of bed, all hopes of going back to sleep dashed. Then it hit her: bed. Room. Pillow.

How did she get into her bed? The last thing she remembered was listening to Jace play the piano...He must have carried her back into bed.

She shut her room door behind her silently. Downstairs, the banging continued.

"Hey," Clary spun around and saw Colette's head peeping out of her room. Her hair was a tangled mess, a sleeping mask strapped to her forehead. She was wearing an almost translucent black night slip that reached the very skimpy top of her thighs. Her face was full of annoyance. "Could you ask them to keep it down? Some people are actually trying to sleep."

For once, Colette had a completely ordinary American accent, her usual snobby French accent gone.

"Yeah," Clary said warily, baffled by her switch in accents. "I'll do that."

Colette smiled sarcastically in thanks before retreating back into her room and slamming the door. Clary rolled her eyes.

Halfway down the staircase, Clary could see that Jace and Isabelle were being confronted by a woman with fiery red hair and sharp features. She was wearing a light beige knitted turtleneck and a pair of what looked like Shadowhunter leather pants. A man with the most peculiar sense of fashion stood awkwardly behind her as he rubbed the back of his neck. He wore a glitterized jacket navy blue jacket, a neon orange shirt underneath and lime green skinny jeans.

"I was just about to ask you that question. Can you-" the red haired woman was saying, her voice dripping with anger.

"Jace? Izzy? What's going on?" she asked quietly.

Everyone seemed to freeze. The red haired woman's piercing green eyes stared into her own and for a moment, Clary got a piercing sense of recognition for this woman-where had she seen this woman before?-and it disappeared immediately.

"Who's that?" Clary asked, walking the final few steps until she was on solid floor again.

The woman stumbled forward, clutching Isabelle's arm, all the blood draining from her face. "Clary? By the Angel..."

"Surprise?" Isabelle squeaked, looking enormously panicked.

"Oh my God, Clary?" the red haired woman shrieked.

She threw herself forward until she was a feet away from Clary. Startled, Clary took a surprised step backwards.

Now, she was scared.

"I'm so sorry but do I know you?" Clary said, panicked. In the background, Clary saw Jace sigh softly, his head slightly bowed.

The glittery man narrowed his eyes at her until they were slits. "Jocelyn-" he began.

"Clary. I am your mother." she redheaded woman said, her eyes wide.

"I'm sorry. I don't know you."

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