Sneak Peek Of The 2nd Book

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Crappy sneakpeek:

In that moment, there was only him and her, two people who loved each other more than possible, their breathing and their hearts in sync.

She hadn't known she was crying until she took in a shaky breath that rattled her body.

"Clary?" Jace said as he gently wiped away her tears. He had propped himself up so Clary was now lying on the pillow and he was hovering over her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just...I'm so scared, Jace."

His arm went around Clary protectively as he buried his head in the crook of her neck, breathing deeply. "I won't let anything happen to you."

She cried harder because she knew that wasn't going to be true. If that happened, the rest of them would suffer.
I'm not scared for me. I'm scared for you, Clary thought.

"I love you so much. I swear, that I will do everything and anything to protect you." Jace whispered, leaning his forehead against hers. He wiped her tears away, staring into her green eyes with his gold ones. His irises were liquid molten as they bored into her soul, tearing her apart with the intensity of his gaze.

By the Angel, what had she done to deserve this beautiful, beautiful person?

"As I love you," she whispered and pulled Jace down to kiss him. His lips brushed against hers first before he applied more pressure, quickly turning the gentle brush of lips into something more. His tongue swiped at her bottom lip before he parted her lips with his own and explored the inside of her mouth, stroking gently with his tongue. Clary gasped as pleasure rocked through her. They were both shuddering as Clary gripped his bicep, trailing her touch up towards his shoulder. She traced the flat plain of his muscled stomach with her other hand, marveling at the scars and runes and muscle that covered his skin.

She felt Jace slip his hand underneath her flimsy camisole, a slithering flame on her body as he gripped her waist tightly. His lips trailed to her neck as he sucked and kissed and licked with the passion of a starving man. Her back arched towards his touch as unholy sounds escaped her lips. Her eyes widened as Jace moved lower, leaving a trail of warm blossoms as he did.



There, a sneak peek. That's basically just a little pinch of what to anticipate from the second book. It's gonna be a  darker, much more PG, descriptive, evil...hehe. Also, there may be smut. Just a possibility I may scar myself and you and write smut. Just a heads up. But don't worry, I'm not gonna go all Fifty Shades of Grey on the book. I'll keep the slight innocence of it so even you guys who hate smut can still read this book without having to wash your eyeballs.

Until next time....

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