Chapter 14: The Ex-Silent Brother

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Chapter 14: The Ex-Silent Brother


"Jace!" a high, annoying voice said, sounding very close to his ear.

A finger with nails in a desperate need of trimming poked the side of his cheek in an annoying repeating manner. He rolled over, burying his head in the pillows.

"Go away," he muttered though it sounded muffled against his pillow. It sounded more like " Goph fway."

"Jace!" the unpleasant voice whined again. He knew who it was and because of who it was, he decided to ignore her.

"Oh, for the Angel's sakes." another voice, a very familiar voice, groaned. Jace knew the meaning of that particular tone but before he could even wrench himself out of bed, he felt his bed tilt as someone lifted it and suddenly found himself being dumped on the floor. He braced his hands outwards to break his fall, pain shooting up his elbows.


Jace propped himself up, turning to glare at Isabelle—who no doubt had rolled Jace out of bed—whose face was impassive as she looked at him.

"What?" Jace muttered, getting to his feet. Colette offered a hand but Jace ignored her, eyeing her hand like it was a venomous snake.

Isabelle was stiff when she answered Jace. "Jem is here."

Jace's eyes widened slightly. "What time is it now?" Jace looked around for a clock until he realized that he was still in the infirmary where he had fallen asleep.

"About seven in the morning." Colette answered enthusiastically in a chirping voice. Jace looked to his left and started when he saw that the bed to his left was empty.

"Where is she?" Jace asked, trying not to sound too frantic and failing miserably. He fought to slap himself.

"She woke up about half an hour ago. She's in the library now." Isabelle said, sighing. She turned and walked, stopping just by the doors. "You coming, Jace?"

Jace nodded once before following Izzy out, his taut muscles squeaking in pain. He should know better than to sleep in a position that would give him ninety year old grandma aches.

On the way to the library, Colette attempted to make small talk with Jace though he found it extremely annoying. He fought against the urge to smack the fly away. She sounded too high strung and hyper, making Jace wonder what was the cause behind her overly happy tone that hadnt had any luck in bluffing someone.

They turned the corner, only to see Tessa and Jem walking down the hallway, hand in hand and muttering in hushed voices.

"Jem," Jace said, walking ahead of Isabelle and Colette.

Both of them looked up, Tessa surprised and Jem worried.

"Jace," Tessa said, a small, reserved smile spreading across her face. Jem smiled though there were deep creases in his forehead when he did.

Tessa leaned forward and captured Jace in a tight embrace. "It really is her," she whispered and Jace nodded slightly, just enough for Tessa feel.

There was a indignant cough from Colette when Tessa didn't let go immediately. Jace surpressed a smile as he pulled away.

"So I take that you really did see her in London?" Jem said, nodding, his lips pursed.

"Thanks, for coming." Jace said, ignoring what Jem said, pushing hair out of his eyes. "Are you sure you can do this?"

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