Chapter 8: Parabatai

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PLEASE DO NOT COPY ANY PARTS, CHARACTERS, PLACES, ETC OF MY STORY WHATSOEVER. I do not appreciate MY ideas being taken and put into another book by another author without MY knowledge or permission. Guys, I love you and know that I put a ton load of effort and my time into this book. I promise that the storyline I use for this book was one thousand percent me.


Chapter 8: Parabatai


The Sun went behind the cloud and Alec practically begged for its return.

Autumn was passing and so that meant winter was on its way. Alec groaned at that.

He was waiting for Isabelle, pacing as he did.

His mind was running wild with the past hour's occurrences.


She was alive! But why couldn't she remember?

Alec seriously and truly doubted that there was another Clary on Earth that was Nephilim, looked like Clarissa Morgenstern.

This was Clary. But why couldn't she remember? And why would the Clave pronounce her dead? Hell, how did the while bloody London Shadowhunters and Downworlders not even recognize her? She was the Clarissa Morgenstern!

Alec had half the mind to kick the Inquisitor in the 'where it hurts' spot. Even if she was a girl. Up and a little to the left.

But how could it be Clary? There was a body...

Alec shook his head violently to dispel the thoughts. She is Clary...

His parabatai, had almost gone off the rails from that piece of news. Alec should —


Alec looked up, his pacing halted momentarily.

Isabelle was running towards him, Simon a few feet back, his eyes worried.

She burst through the front metal gates, slowing to a walk, Simon following her. He tried to keep up with Isabelle's long strides and ended up in a jog.

"Alec...what's wrong? What's so important?" Isabelle said, her forehead creased.

Alec bit his lip. How was he going to tell his sister that Clary wasn't dead and was lying unconscious in one of the infirmary beds?

"Why don't you come in first?" Alec said, his eyebrows mashed together in worry. He looked over Izzy's shoulder and saw Simon looking annoyed, tired and trying to regain his breath. God knows how long they had been running.

"What's going on Alec?" he asked, his forehead creased.

"Something big. Deep, deep shit." Alec muttered, pressing impatiently for the elevator. Stupid piece of metal junk. Stupid mundane equipment.

"What?" Isabelle pressed impatiently. "Is it Jace? Is he okay?" she asked, her voice high, strung and worried.

"Yes You'll see what I mean." Alec mumbled.

The elevator door opened and they stepped in, Alec nervous, Isabelle impatient and Simon clueless looking.

They elevator made it's torturously slow ascension.

When the elevator stopped, Alec quickly got out.

His mother stood outside the doors of the infirmary, looking worried. 

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