Chapter 11: What Happens in LA Stays in LA

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I'm not supposed to update for another five days but because ily guys, here you go. Next update next Saturday.


Chapter 11: What Happens In LA Stays in LA


"See anyone you recognize?" a voice questioned Clary.

Clary looked up, shocked and shaken badly.

How was it possible that she was in pictures she didn't remember taking or ever happening? She looked up at the source of the voice, only to see a woman with dark hair that was pulled into a bun and dark eyes that were sharp and fierce. There was a a fierce, fiery aura to her that made Clary feel respect and slight fear towards her. She also looked like an older, sharper version of Isabelle. No doubt this was Maryse Lightwood.

"How is that possible?" Clary gasped, her eyes flicking back to the book.

"It is because it is." the woman answered simply, Jace appearing beside her. He took the steps two at a time, in the end just jumping over the railing and onto the ground floor. His landing was muted, graceful, effortless and perfectly absorbed like a cat's, no false move or landing on his accord.

"Could you just give me a moment, Jace?" Clary gasped, holding her hand up. She wasn't sure if she could take this stably; whatmore with Jace around her. Jace stopped a few feet from where Clary stayed planted, looking impatient and sad. "How can that have happened?" Clary murmured as she kept her eyes locked on the photo of her and Jace.

"Clary, I know it's hard for you to believe but is true. That's why I reacted that way when I saw you in London." Jace said gently, ignoring Clary's request to stay away. He stepped in front of Clary, gripping her arms gently.

Clary's head was spinning like top.

Confusion and distress were one of the countless feelings that were running through Clary, making her lightheaded.

"Here, sit down." Jace said, steering her towards a grey, worn looking couch.

Clary legs felt like they were made of water as she shuffled to the couch, Jace gripping her arms tightly for support.

"This is impossible." Clary breathed as her backside hit the soft plush cushion of the couch. "I can't believe any of this. Not anything..."

Jace sat beside Clary, smiling sadly at her.

"Shadowhunters have a saying, Clary; all the stories are true. Mythical creatures, stories whispered around campfires... all of them are very real and very dangerous. So you'd better start believing," Jace said, getting up. He walked over to a teapot that sat on the oak desk and poured the contents into a chipped ceramic cup.

Now, for some reason, Clary noticed what he was wearing.

A light and loose grey shirt, the cuffs and collar unbuttoned The first button of his shirt was unbuttoned too, showing his chest which was inked with black runes. He wore black leather pants and was wearing comfortable looking shoes. His halo of curly gold hair fell in his face when he moved and he pushed it back impatiently.

"Here," Jace said, offering Clary the white ceramic cup, the rim slightly chipped.

Hesitantly, Clary took the warm cup, wafts of smoke rising from the hot liquid inside. "What's this?" Clary asked suspiciously. What if it was some magical potion or some mythical creature's pee?

Jace laughed at her expression, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Don't worry, it's not faerie juice. It's chamomile, said to soothe the soul and solve most of your problems." Jace said, smiling arrogantly.

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