Chapter 26: Lion's Den

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Chapter 26: Lion's Den


Any girl in that moment in the world would be glad to be called 'a girl' when they fought if they could see the fight Isabelle and Colette were putting up.

Jace threw himself out of the way as Isabelle knocked Colette to the floor, crying out as she did. Colette slammed into one of the angels on the marble desk, Isabelle trying to lay a proper, well aimed punch on Colette's face.

A small, very righteous part of him wanted to pull Isabelle off Colette but the bigger more spiteful side of him made himself stay put and allow the fight to happen.

"Isabelle!" Alec chided hesitantly and reluctantly. Jace could see that his parabatai was sort of, to a certain extent, enjoying the fight even though it went against the Clave rule abiding cells in his body.

Simon, who Jace hadn't noticed before smiled proudly, his glasses sitting on the edge of his nose.

Profanities filled the air, being flung sharply by the girls who looked like they were both trying to stick a seraph blade down each other's throats. The words itselves seemed sharp enough to cut through skin and bone. Colette managed to land a solid kick in Isabelle's abdomen, momentarily kicking Isabelle off her. Isabelle landed in a semi crouch, her expression frighteningly hostile and feral.

Both of the girls, as much as Jace hated to admit, were very good in fighting (though no where near to his level of premium skills) so they were practically evenly matched. Isabelle had always been an eager person to learn how to fight—the forms of fighting, the techniques of different martial arts, how to handle multiple weapons with multiple attackers, etc—and she thrived in all of her training while Colette, being from the Ravenshade family which had always been a wealthy Shadowhunter family had probably hired the best trainers they could afford in Idris for Colette.

"Izzy!" Alec said, anger and worry lacing his voice. Isabelle reared back slightly and threw herself onto Colette again.

"What in Raziel's name—? Isabelle Sophia Lightwood!" Maryse shouted as she ran down the steps, looking not at all pleased. "Behave yourself!"

An obscenity was directed to Maryse from Isabelle, making everyone's jaw drop. Isabelle had never cursed at her own mother before and a slight blossoming of admiration mixed with shock flickered in Jace's chest.

"Excuse me?" Maryse hissed, her blue eyes narrowing dangerously.

Ignoring Maryse, Isabelle had taken out a dagger that had been nestled in one of her boots and Jace froze.

What did she think she was doing?

"Izzy! No!" Simon shouted, stepping forward to stop Isabelle who screamed at him to stay away.

Colette screamed and brought her arm up to block Isabelle's descending arm that had the dagger in it. Isabelle was going to be in big, big trouble if she killed Colette. Not that he minded at the moment if Colette died but he was pretty sure the Consul would do everything in her power to bestow the most agonizing punishment for Isabelle. Robert would have a say in Isabelle's case though only as the Inquisitor and there was only so much he could do to defy the Consul.

"Isabelle!" Jace hissed, advancing forward to pull Isabelle off Colette.

Isabelle's one very long leg shot out, a kick aimed at Jace.

He jumped out of the way, the tip of her boot brushing the fabric of his shirt. "What the hell?" he spat. Colette shoved Isabelle's armed hand hard while she was momentarily distracted. Isabelle's strong grip wavered, loosening ever so slightly.

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