Chapter 13

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Me and the guys played video games for hours but I soon got tiered and went up to my room. I walk through the halls thinking about what the heck. Just happened. I KISSED HER!!!

I was deep in though when I was pushed into the wall. I look up to see my ex, Clockwork. She then started screaming at me. After awhile of me siting there with a strait face ignoring every word she says. She finally left me along.

I walk the rest of the way to my room I sat down on my bed waiting for (Y/N) to return.

After an hour of waiting I knew something was wrong. She was missing. I ran through the mansion looking for her with no luck.

As I was running I looked to see Jane panicked as well. I remembered that she was with Jane and went to for Jane help.

I walk up to Jane. When she looked at me she looked scared and as panicked as I was. I ran over to Jane hopping for an answer on were (Y/N) was. She Opened her mouth to speak and and what she said scared the daylights out of me. " She heard you and clockwork talking I tried to take her away so she didn't get her!!" She stopped talking panting from rambling. " but she got away and ran... and and I don't know we're she went!!" Jane was at a loss of breath and I was at a loss for words.

I heard a laugh on that can only be described as terrifying. I turned around to see a man that can only be hated by all. There was Jeff standing with his back to the wall. With him his little sidekick Nina beside him. I feel bad for her. Jeff makes her do all the work that will get him killed, and she does it. Not a question ask. She is a little puppet in his hands. She was so young and naive.

Jeff walks up to me so we are face to face. "So Toby.... I thought it would nice to give you this.... a little momentum of her." My heart dropped when he handed me a piece of (Y/N) shirt. Ripped and covered in blood.....

Thank you guys for 1k reads!!!
I will they to keep up dates more often.
And sorry that it is short.

A Killers Bride- Ticci Toby x readerWhere stories live. Discover now