Chapter 15

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I hit the ground. My vision went black. I sat floating in this dark world. The darkness was calming, oh so calming. I love it. The calm is beautiful.

Unfortunately I won't last. Something will stop this calm. That's when a beam of light shot at me. This light was brighter then anything I have ever seen.

I woke up lying in a closet. I was haft awake when pain hit me like a fucking truck. I scream in agony. Blood was all over the small closet, I look to see it was gushing out of my abdomen . Warm tear stream down my face. I screamed and screamed hoping for some one to help me. My breathing got heavier and heavier.

I remembered everything. I died. The pain was so unbearable I wanted to again. I wanted to go back to the calm. It was so nice yet I'm stuck here in this hell. All the pain, all the blood, all the memories, all the fear.

~>Toby POV<~

I blacked out a long time ago. I can only imagine that I'm kicking the shit out of Jeff. Why, why would he hurt her. What did I she do. Couldn't he just leave her alone. I should have been with her. Why did I ever let her leave my room. She would be fine if I never let her leave. If I protected her she would be here. We could cuddle on the couch, play video games, watch the stars at night with her. Now I can't. She's gone and it all my fault.

I have been almost three hours since I blanked. I was I think still fighting Jeff I think. I hope. As me and Jeff fought there was a sudden sound. A blood curdling scream.

The scream made me come to me senses. It was her. I looked down to see a bloody battered Jeff. His face had the same emotion as mine shock but I also saw fear. I got up to see the blood bath around me. Nina was dead, who killed her is unknown. I saw masky carrying a unconscious hoody. Ben was a little battered but good but I can't worry about that know I haft to find (Y/N).

I ran through the halls. Looking frantically for her. I was waiting for another scream.

She screamed again. I can't stand her screaming like that. She sounds like she is in so much pain. I hate it.

I continued to run around. In tell I was stopped by non other then slender. "Child what is all the commotion?" Hey asked through telepathy. I start frantically explaining what was going on. As I was explaining I didn't realize the tears running down my face. After I was done he nodded his head and teleported the front of a storage closet. I look down to see a trail of blood leading to the closet.

In the silence of us standing in front of the closet. She screamed in utter agony. I'm not ready to see her. I don't want to see her hurt. I know I have before but I was there. I protected her. I didn't this time. I walk up to the door and turned the handle.

A Killers Bride- Ticci Toby x readerWhere stories live. Discover now