Chapter 19

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~>Toby POV<~

I sat in the chair. Wanting to get the news that she was alive that she was ok. That I will be able to see her (E/c) eyes. See her smile. Hear her voice.

That voice..... she was so kind. I remembered when I first saw her. I was walking home from a mission. It was around midnight. Her and her sister were laying on the ground star gazing. She was pointing at different constatations as her sister sat in awe. She was so caring, so calm. I wanted to run over there and pick her up and runaway with her right then and there. After that I was obsessed with her. I watched her on my free time. At school she wasn't the most liked student, but there were still boy that would ask her out. I was so mad every time. Watching them give her gifts. She said no every time. She said she didn't have time. That she needed to care for her sister. She loved her sister. I wish I could have saved her and (Y/n).

It was silent nothing could be heard throughout the halls. Not a voice not a sound. I look to my left down the long halls of the mansion. There was no one to be seen. I look to the right to see someone walking my way. Ben walked up to me and sat down in the chair next to me. I lower my head not overly wanting to talk.

He looked over to me with sympathetic eyes. "Hey, any news? You know about how she is....." I looked over to him tears brimming my eyes. I shook my head. He patted me on the back. "I'll leave you be..." he said in a sad voice. He patted my back once more and with that he was gone.

I sigh and lean back on my chair. I close my eyes and drift in to sleep.

I woke up to Dr smiley shaking me awake. I get up. I hear yelling coming from the office. I ran in burst open the door. To see everyone gathered around the bed. They all go silent when I walk in. They cleared a path for me to walk up to see (Y/n). Her skin was blueish green. She was covered in blood and her eyes were rolled into the back of her head. Tears well up as I slowly walk over to her frail figure. I stood at the side of the bed. I grabbed her small hand. It was so cold.I drop to my knees and weep. People where trying to comfort me but I didn't care to listen. There voices blurred together. I looked over to see Jeff walk up to the body. I get up he looked me dead in the eyes and shoved his knife
into her eye. I looked in awe.

I was woken up after an hour of rest. What was that..... was it only a dream. Is she ok. This made me only want to see her more. I wanted to know if she is a corps. I stared at the door. I look side to side. There was nothing a person in sight. I wait an hour more. In tell Dr smiley walked out of his office. I spring up from my chair and look him dead in the eyes.

"Toby sit down and listen." My stomach dropped. She's dead. No no no no no no....she can't be. I took a seat in the small chair, he sits in the other.

~>Dr smiley POV<~

I started to explain to Toby. I haft to be very careful and word it properly. " She's alive, but she's lost so much blood. So I had no choice but to put her in a coma." I see slight tears start to we'll up in his hazel eye. "If you want I can set her up in your room....... Also you could tell her story's. She's might be able to here you. I'm thinking she's will be in a coma for about 2-3 weeks."

~> Toby POV<~

She's ok.....I think. She is not dead, but she's not alive. She's here but she is not with us...... I nod. "Do you want to see her?" he asked me. I nod frantically. He opened the door and I walked in. She laid on the bed flat on her back. There were tubs sticking out of her arms. Most of the blood was cleaned off but her clothes were still stained. I sigh and grab her hand. 2 more weeks I hope.

A Killers Bride- Ticci Toby x readerWhere stories live. Discover now