Chapter 18

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~> Toby POV<~

I started to run through the halls. Taking left and rights. Blood covered us both. I ran and ran. I watched as he chest slowly and weakly rises and fell. I turned a sharp corner hearing her yelp is pain. I continued to sprint through the mansion. I ticked most drop her. She didn't yelp though, she screamed. I felt bad immediately. The stress only made the ticks worse she cried harder because of the pain she was in. I stop and put her down and try to calm myself down. Me being in this state is not helping anyone. It putting her in more pain then she needs to be...... I'm putting her in more pain..... it's all my fault.

~>(Y/n) POV<~

Toby was running through the halls. He took a sharp left. The sudden movement hurt. I yelp in pain felling the sting in my side. He kept running when he ticked. Breathing was hard enough but after that it became almost impossible. I scream with what little breath I had left. He ran still. He seamed to tick more and more. I cry harder than I have ever cried before. I wheeze trying to get air into my lungs. Toby put me down. He looked like he went into shook. I did not move. I laid on the cold hard floor. Tear started to stream down his face. I need help. He needs to snap out of it. I ticked constantly. "T-Toby help.......... p-please..." I said weakly try to get him to snap out of it. He didn't budge. Pain striked my abdomen. I clenched my stomach. "TOBY SNAP OUT OF IT!!"I snapped at him. He looked down at me. His eyes widened and he picked me up. I yelp. He ran faster then I have ever seen a person run. We reached Dr smiley office. Toby kicked down the door. Dr smiley look up from his book. He stood up in a panicked.


~>Dr smiley<~

Toby put her on. The table I stood over her. I asked Toby to leave so I could help her. He steps out of the small room. I look down at her. There was blood all over her but most over it was at her stomach. I slowly starting to take off her top. She yelped when I went over her abdomen. 'she's still awake?' I thought to myself. How could a person lose all that blood and be conscious? I walk over to my little table and grab a syringe. I filled it full of anesthetic and gave it to her. She passed out a few seconds after. I took the rest of her shirt off to reveal the wound. It was a stab wound. She also had bruises as is she was beaten after. What am I going to do with her.

A coma. She has lost so much blood it is necessary at this point. I put her into the coma without a second thought. I put a few tubes in her arms pumping meds and liquids to keep her stable. Now to tell Toby.

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