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Patrick sat at the dinning table, Pete sitting next to him and Andy holding Joes hand. Let's just say they found a connection these last few months.

As goes for Dallon and Brendon who stood by the doorway. The empty chairs being filled with Josh, Debby, and Corey who searched for Elizabeth, holding onto the full grown otter. Jenna sat at the end, sippingna cup of water and watching as everyone sat along the

Oliver was no where to be found. He ditched the lab once they where out. Elizabeth's family seemed to keep their composure about the situation but something is wrong. She could feel it.

Grayson and Ethan enters the room, holding a plate of pasta Tyler proudly created.

Said man grinned and planted a kiss on her soft lips, sitting next to her, holding her hands. "How are you feeling?" He asks, exam in in her features.

"I'm fine, Tyler. Promise. I just want to tell you something. To everyone. When Elizabeth gets down here."

Tyler sat back in his seat, pondering of what it may be. And with the slightest amount of worry he nodded. Smiling softly a he saw the last chair be lifted next to him. "Hey." He whispered over.
"You okay?"

"Perfect." She mumbles, glaring over across the table to her uncle who simply grabbed a serving of the pasta.

"You guys got together?" Brendon asks out of the blue, forking out the tomato sauce. His question directed to Joe and Andy who shared looks before sipping down his drink.

"Uh, yeah. Marie kinda... Hit-it-and-quit-it." Joe glanced down. "Then a month later I find myself for a liking with Andrew over here."

"Congratulations you guys." Elizabeth grinned. "is that the same with you and Dallon, Brendon?"

"Sum thin like that." Dallon smirked as he took a bite out of his bread.

"How are you and Debby, Josh?"
Patrick asked leaning next to Pete.

The couple smirked, Debby blushed as she showed up her diamond incrused finger. "We're getting married."

Corey's mouth dropped in since with Elizabeth's and Tyler's. Jenna gasping and covering her mouth as the table erupted in joy us manner.

Grayson highfived Corey, Ethan glancing over to Zack. Something was wrong with him.

Before his thoughts could form to words Jenna grasped onto Tyler's hand and engulfed a nervous breath before standing up.

Patrick quirking an eyebrow, curious as the others followed in act.

Tears began to form in Tyler's eyes, Elizabeth bursting in a sob, her breath catching as Jenna said;

"I'm Pregnant."

Elizabeth stood, along with Tyler and engulfed her. Holding on as long as they could. Tyler and Jenna both looked down to their daughter and admired her. admired the moment.

They both smiled gleefully and admired the girl theyd grown to love so dearly. A daughter, friend, girlfriend, life saver.

The girl with the glowing eyes.

The End


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