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"What do you mean she saw you?" Edward asks Bella frantically.

"We where in the woods catching snowflakes, me, carlie, renesmee and denver. I saw Irena staring at us from the mountains, I called to her but she left really quickly, she saw jake, maybe that's why?"

"no Alice saw the children being taken all of them!" Edward almost shouts.

"No one is taking my child, that is that I'll fight first" amiee says still reading her book she does not look up and has been focused on the same page for a good while.

"Alice saw it" Edward says. Amiee huffs and slams her book shut and looks up at Edward with stern eyes.

"No one is taking denver, I will fight just as I did last time"

"There will be a lot more than last time" illiana says walking through the door with Emilia in tow.

"A hell of a lot more, we are not safe here" Emilia says. Amiee looks at her, looks down and nods her head, when she brings her head back up she has tears in her eyes.

"Jeremy still got my stuff?" She asks with sass.

"Yes why?"

"Cause I'm gun a stop them before they get here!" Amiee says while walking out of the door to go to illiana's to get her stuff.

"That's not a good idea" Emilia shouts but amiee is already gone.

"Aren't you going to go after her?" Roaslie asks jasper who is smirking at his mates exit.

"She will be back, she wouldn't leave without making sure denver is taken care of, and she wouldn't assume I would look after him" jasper says as denver crawls over to him.

"Yes, but she is upset" Roaslie argues.

"No, she is frustrated and worried, I'm better here thinking of tackticks to help her out" he says picking up denver.

"Okay" Roaslie says and goes back to reading her magazine.

Carlisle is sat with his head in his hands as es me rubs his shoulder.

"What's wrong Carlisle?" Emmett asks.

"I just wish we could sort this without a fight" he says.

"If the volturi think we have made 3 immortal children they would have all our lives no questions asked" Edward says.

"But if we could get them to listen and actually see that they are not immortal they would have no reason to harm us" Carlisle argues.

"The volturi don't listen" Emmett laughs.

Meanwhile at illiana's house amiee storms through the door to where Jeremy, George and Alex are teaching Joe tricks about being a lycan.

"Sup short stuff?" Jeremy asks.

"Where's my stuff?" Amiee asks sternly.

"What stuff?" Jeremy asks confused.

"My stuff stuff" she says folding her arms.

"My room, what's the matter?"

"Vampires are coming for the children" she says rushing into his room.

The boys rush after her into jeremy's room as amiee pulls a black leather suitcase from under his bed.

"What's in there?" Joe asks.

"Just watch little bro" jeremy says.

Amiee unlocks the trunk. Black leathers can be seen along with think boots and leather type armour. She pulls them out and sets them on the floor.

Next amiee pulls out 4 swords 2 small 2 reasonably large. She pulls out a hand gun and 2 cases of bullets.

"I thought they couldn't penetrant vampire skin" Joe says eyes wide with wonder.

"I spelled them so they can, it only works on silver hence the old wives tales" she says pulling out the last thing, a boomerang.

"Oh oh oh, it's keira" Alex says excitedly

"Who's keira?" Joe asks

"The boomerang, it means little dark one, cause her boomerang is little and has killed a lot of people" George says.

"Okay okay, are you guys going to stop gawking at my weapons or are you coming with me?" Amiee says walking into jeremy's en suite with her leathers.

"Where are you going?" Jeremy asks


At the Cullen house amiee has been gone for almost 2 hours and everyone is getting worried.

"Where is she?" Bella asks

"Still at the house she's with the boys so what do you expect" Emilia says

"You remember what she was like right?" Illiana says

"Yeah but I though she changed" Bella says

"Nope amiee is still amiee, fun and bad ass as usual, Chris put her on a downward spiral but I dunno since moving here, getting you back, finding jasper, getting us back, it's helped her a lot" illiana explains

"Are you dreading the day?" Emilia asks

"What day?" Carlisle asks

"The day amiee takes over as leader of our clan, she's a lot more powerful than me, it's obvious that I should step down, she just needs time. And to answer your question, no do you know how stressful it is being the decision maker?" Illiana explains and laughs with Emilia.

"I had no idea" Carlisle says

"She's better at keeping us safe, and her strategy in combat in infallible, she has a lot of friends in high places and a bit of a reputation in our world" illiana says.

"Combat strategy?" Jasper questions.

"What do you think she is doing right now, her boys are her boys, they fight to the death with her no matter what" Emilia says

"What would she be planning?" Jasper questions as amiee and the boys rush through the door.

Amiee is dresses head to toe in leather, her combat boot come half way up her calves on her thigh is her gun strap. Her shorts sheeth one of her knives as her was strap holds keira. She is wearing leather body armour with her arms exposed with her long blades on her back. The last blade is hidden in her boot.

"I'm going to italy" amiee says as the bays rush in after her wearing similar armour with similar weapons.
"No you're not" jasper says.

"Don't tell me what to do whitlock! That is my son, and my neiceses"

"If you are forgetting he is my son too, he bit me, my venom replaced his father's!" He half shouts at amiee.
"If we could get them to listen" Carlisle interupts

"They didn't listen last time, when  they tried to take denver, this time they will bring more"

"I'm with amiee" Emmett says

"If we got enough witnesses on our side" Carlisle says

"Then you are putting more people in danger" amiee says folding her arms Carlisle knows she's right but a risk he is willing to take if it involves peace.

"You can't go to italy" Alice says.

"Why?" Amiee asks

"Because they're not there, they're coming here, gathering as many memebers as they can before they come here, there is nothing in Italy"

Bella's Forgiveness (Sequel Bella's Hatred)Where stories live. Discover now